Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] would [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 At times I would give him more sedation than other times because of the course of the illness .
2 If I had an Access card I would buy him this that and everything .
3 But the pittance they would pay him meantime might be no better than what the Professor offered , and at least the occupation of reading would be more satisfactory than dry law .
4 He had n't admitted this for fear it would disqualify him from this part of the mission , and anyway he had thought he would feel safe behind the comforting protection of a pump-action .
5 Madame imagined that while she was doing this to Boy she would tell him everything she knew , she would talk to him quietly each night whilst brushing his hair before bedtime .
6 His grandmother said if it was a fact he would not get a grant she would finance him but that he should find out .
7 At the moment I would describe him as a fully paid-up member of the politically embarrassed tendency .
8 ‘ I had arranged with Sister Stevens that on the next occasion that Len presented with either a hangover or a stomach upset I would refer him to the occupational health centre where they would suggest counselling , as I believed Len was becoming a danger to himself and everyone else . ’
9 In a few days he would release him .
10 " Mrs Plant , " Timothy said quite softly , and Mr Plant whispered that if he issued another sound he would thump him to a pulp .
11 What consternation it would cause him if he were to find out .
12 Therefore , on historical precedent , in contemplating the origin of a modern archbishop we would expect him to be educated at Oxford or Cambridge ; to have a good chance that he taught there ; and to be the son or grandson of a Christian minister .
13 He looked at me oddly until I named the price I would pay him . "
14 For weeks it would go on like this and then suddenly one day you would notice him just lying in the sun instead of studying his map , or reading a novel instead of his German grammar .
15 How many questions we would pose him with .
16 The Englishman told me that if someone came up to him in a queue he would punch him in the face .
17 If he went round by either the footbridge or the traffic bridge it would take him longer since the wherry lay about half-way between the two .
18 Please God he would remember him .
19 And when the King thought it a fit season , he spake to him and said , that Doña Ximena Gomez , the daughter of the Count whom he had slain , had come to ask him for her husband , and would forgive him her father 's death ; wherefore he besought him to think it good to take her to be his wife , in which case he would show him great favour .
20 He had positioned himself in a narrow doorway , in the vain hope it would provide him with some shelter from the biting cold .
21 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
22 And hearing him Minch was pleased , for she saw that he was learning to understand others and would be ready for the harder lessons she would give him in the coming year .
23 If he let Firelight out of her box she would follow him around like a dog .
24 went down on the bus it would take him
25 She had no idea , but there was no way she would tell him that anyway .
26 When he was working out of London she would join him .
27 If he came back , to spread the word , no doubt they would hang him like a felon .
28 So on Saturday , Party Politics , dwarfing his 39 opponents , set off in new colours with new jockey Carl Llewellyn to see how many strides it would take him to cover the most famous four and a half miles in sport .
29 He told the officer he would assault him to make sure he was arrested and taken to the cells .
30 In time she would forget him , but the legacy of sensual awareness he had left her could prove to be a burden more difficult to shed .
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