Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] would have like " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course I would have liked to have taken 50 or 60 wickets , but I felt that in the latter part of the season , I proved my fitness once and for all .
2 And there have been days I 'd have liked her at home when I had a headache or one of the nuns had roared at me at school .
3 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
4 At the end Eddie was asked ( now ) what team he 'd have liked to have played for if not Leeds and he said he 'd always followed Celtic 's results .
5 There were several questions I would have liked to have put to them , but had I done so I would have altered the environment for them and made them hyper-conscious of their limitations .
6 The class was not giving the kind of demonstration of good behaviour she would have liked .
7 There were many things he would have liked to have done but he needed this man , who , with a combination of chance and logic , could reach the truths which might affect the realm .
8 Stephen had already taken in two things : that he was with a set of people he would have liked very much to belong to , and that Annabel was hitched to a man who treated her idly .
9 Looking down into his eyes , Harry Pascoe knew instinctively that there was in Tristram the makings of the sort of man he would have liked to have been himself : a man of honour , a man untroubled by jealousy or a guilty conscience .
10 As well as admiring Modigliani 's talent , Zborowski found him a romantic figure , living a life he would have liked to lead .
11 He 's the sort of grandfather I would have liked to have , ’ Paige said shortly , then softened her tone as she thought of the kindly gentleman who had taken her under his wing .
12 Biting back the answer she 'd have liked to make , Shannon raised her eyebrows expectantly .
13 Yet he was unwilling to take leave , treating his engagement as settled , without some more conventional glance in that direction than he could find an opening for in the manner of the large , affable lady who sat there drawing a pair of soiled gants de Suede through a fat , jewelled hand and , at once pressing and gliding , repeated over and over everything but the thing he would have liked to hear ( 2 ) .
14 Dr Paul Alexandre died in 1968 without having been able to write the book he would have liked to dedicate to Modigliani .
15 ‘ No ! ’ she protested , but without half the conviction she would have liked .
16 The scheme did not operate entirely as anticipated : the main departure was that there were some clients for whom the development officers provided no support , either because they were admitted immediately to institutional care ( and the development officers could not always influence this decision in the way they would have liked ) or because the clients did not need or want the services of the project .
17 ‘ It was the way he would have liked it , ’ Sister Cooney said .
18 Like a Shakespearian monarch he would have liked to be able to send the guilty ones straight to the scaffold , to be despatched on a block still steaming with the blood of the last condemned prisoner .
19 Those whose company he would have liked , his mother , father , sister or brothers , the friends from his old school , the girl he adored , were all distanced from him .
20 Pearce could have done with more than the seven years he had at British Aerospace to achieve the kind of management culture he would have liked to have bequeathed to the company .
21 It was a house I would have liked to have grown up in .
22 At that stage I would have liked someone else to make the decision for me .
23 She stepped sideways , she did n't want to pull away from him but all the same this time she would have liked to wake up from her somnambulism to find herself back in bed with Cati , dreaming of sweetness and lovers ' words , but he pressed close to her , and said , ‘ You ca n't go yet , not yet .
24 My father and mother perhaps saw in him the son they would have liked to have , not the peculiar failure they had produced in me .
25 Frank and unremorseful about his homosexuality , he never fully resolved his attitude towards it , in part because it denied him the family he would have liked to have had .
26 You got the impression he would have liked to have brought all six volumes with him if he could .
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