Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] might be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Trained mind I might be supposed to have , but this did not stop me from losing my clothing coupons .
2 Cos if I go to the college I might be able to get a flat .
3 Had he understood that in her desperation to avert financial tragedy she might be willing to barter her body ?
4 For all she advises me of her condition she might be blind and I would n't know it .
5 He signalled to the waitress , then said : ‘ If you change your mind we might be able to get something at the airport . ’
6 Because at the end of the day I think that a although it 's quite significant in terms of workload we might be able to address it elsewhere I mean I think the
7 Despite the increased strength of labour , as reflected in welfare provisions and moves towards ‘ industrial democracy ’ , workers were still obliged to sell their labour power to employers whose freedom of action they might be able to limit , but certainly not control .
8 It was decided that George should ride down and rob the drowsing boy while Joseph would stay behind to head off any aid he might be able to summon .
9 It is very difficult to design a pressed flower picture on to a background material that has already been printed with a design , and if you were to use a floral fabric it might be hard to spot where your picture stops and the print begins .
10 As a general rule it might be productive to give forecasts at the year 2012 — twenty years after Rio .
11 The lights upstairs were still on ; if she could only get to a window she might be able to see what the men outside were doing .
12 The Prime Minister retorted angrily : ‘ I do believe that on reflection you might be ashamed of some of the things you have just said . ’
13 T. D. You might be glad to lock up a drunk to get out of the rain for a while .
14 For example , if you have a large hall or corridor you might be able to slice off bits to add to your living room .
15 Well there is about the hall we might be able to read them that letter , from the new .
16 By developing telephone services via the data highway they might be able to expand into each other 's markets .
17 After he 's had his lunch he might be sleepy
18 In each case the court held the promise to be binding on the party making it , even though under the old common law it might be difficult to find any consideration for it .
19 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
20 But if you were Jewish , and had grown up in a strict kosher home it might be difficult to accept , even if you now had a broader view through your conversion to Christ .
21 In Ireland he might be able to choose between several candidates , but they would all have been selected by his party , and in such a way as to condition his choice if not to determine it absolutely .
22 They debated unhappily , reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion , until John Prophet suggested sadly that in the circumstances it might be well to consult the archbishop of Canterbury , and in some relief they agreed on this course , and carried their problem that same afternoon to Lambeth ; where Thomas Arundel , on the force of whose word and influence they could rely , advised them , in consideration of the desperate need , to issue the required letters patent , and he would be responsible for defending their action to the king , should it need any defence .
23 He had , but in these new circumstances it might be unwise to admit it .
24 Though in Alan 's case you might be right . ’
25 He had explained that he was going to see Eloise , in the hope she might be willing to sell him something .
26 Perhaps , she wondered as she hurried downstairs , if she could find the kitchen she might be able to make a cup of coffee and a slice of toast for herself .
27 Of course she might be pleased with that outcome , but she may also have a new feeling of helplessness , in that she has failed to manage her own problems .
28 With any luck she might be able to get back to the apartment before he found out what had happened .
29 There is a vacant night-porter 's job we might be able to fill on a temporary basis .
30 Perhaps this evening they might be able to sort out the details .
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