Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] have [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The principal difficulty I have on this aspect of the case is that in Mr. Lester 's submission reference to Parliamentary material as an aid to interpretation of a statutory provision should be allowed only with leave of the court and where the court is satisfied that such a reference is justifiable : ( a ) to confirm the meaning of a provision as conveyed by the text , its object and purpose ; ( b ) to determine a meaning where the provision is ambiguous or obscure ; or ( c ) to determine the meaning where the ordinary meaning is manifestly absurd or unreasonable .
2 Mathematics was my subject , I was simply transferring what talents I had in that direction from one held to another . ’
3 The experience Mr Chairman I have of these situations is that trees happen to fall down , and hedges happen to get pushed by bulldozers , and at the end of the day , because I 've seen it in my own village where I was born , I 'm afraid with all respect to what happens , what is actually passed by the planners does n't actually come to pass because there is always a reason why it ca n't .
4 After days of begging from supporters I have at last compiled a comprehensive A-Z of football , Athletico style .
5 On a personal note , may I say that when I want to hear the Fourth Symphony for pleasure , which is relatively speaking often , I turn not to Munch or Dutoit but to an old tape I have from 1954 of the much underrated Albert Wolff conducting the Swedish Radio Orchestra .
6 Here on this sea-scoured coast she had at last found a place which she was content to call home .
7 You will find that the more confident you become , the more you will be able to enjoy the different relationships you have with those around you — and the happier you will be .
8 Forget all the images you have of little plastic boxes and bored housewives .
9 Knowing what a talent you have for these things , you 'll probably have it sorted out in two ticks . ’
10 She will need time to grieve inwardly a little over these losses and gradually come to terms with them in her own way , so you should not assume that any moods of depression or irritability she has in those early months are a reflection on the efforts you are making to help her to feel ‘ at home ’ .
11 We 've sold all the stock we had of pink rock ,
12 The skills of salesmanship and political demagogy are virtually the only methods we have for changing perception .
13 Teller went to extreme lengths to rescue Part I , but in the words of Robert Oppenheimer , ‘ The programme we had in 1949 was a tortured thing that did not make a great deal of technical sense .
14 Human life is gregarious , the quality of our lives depending to no small degree upon the relationships we have with other people .
15 Getting some information on our actions and the effect we have on other people can also be very useful feedback .
16 ‘ We can never measure the effect we have on other people , ’ he said , although he , more than most , had a fair idea .
17 You know — right or wrong — the effect we have on each other .
18 ‘ Do n't underestimate the effect we have on each other .
19 Is that the most unusual wedding we have in this hundred tonight ?
20 Essentially , the cases and their history were studied to establish what factors or characteristics they had in common .
21 Elspeth was fair-haired , almost blonde , Rebecca was dark but there was something about the eyes they had in common , yet where Elspeth was grave and silent most of the time , Rebecca , or Becky as she was usually called , was lively and voluble .
22 The commonality between two definitions can be measured by counting the number of words they have in common .
23 The astonishing speed with which the two brother radicals developed their Pantisocratic scheme was testimony not only to the transforming effect they had on one another , but to the very weak foundations upon which the whole enterprise rested .
24 The theories held , often implicitly , by managers , trainers and coaches are of interest because of the effect they have on all involved in sport .
25 A recent survey in West Surrey and North East Hampshire asked district nurses how many clients they had with ulcerated limbs ; the number of times they visited each patient ; and the types of treatment given for a specific month .
26 That was a story Hopper liked to tell , to demonstrate how they were all good friends who were creating a new style of acting ; later , when Nicholson arrived , they had long discussions about this era and the influences it had on all of them .
27 Every instrument here is adding what weight it has to one of the four component parts of the texture ( i.e. and the tune itself ) .
28 She had seen for herself the effect he had on many of his clients ; had herself been impressed by his ability to amuse them with his quick wit and entertaining anecdotes .
29 But what was very enthralling about the jury service argument was the effect it had on older people themselves .
30 Thus the function of the family is the effect it has on other parts of the social structure and on society as a whole .
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