Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [adv] go to " in BNC.

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1 And on Sunday afternoon I often went to Kidlington , to eat large teas and remember another world .
2 Like she was high , not on booze or pills but some of that good mellow shit that used to go the rounds at the first dinner parties I ever went to , at Liza 's place , when the world was young and lovable .
3 Stephen prefers my cooking , so for dinner parties I always go to the kitchen and help .
4 From V. D. L. I either go to Fort Philip or Sydney and from there into the interior .
5 Was it the checkout girl we always go to ?
6 Last year 's , th the f the first stockings I ever went to was brilliant , they had Right Said Fred live
7 But it 's not , normally , a shop I just go to .
8 A really educated man , if you if anyone had any forms to fill in er it was the postman you invariably went to , because he was considered to be , he could read and write you see .
9 ‘ For the first two days we just go to bed .
10 So next day I duly went to the synagogue , rather self-conscious in my trilby hat , surprised to find women sitting in the gallery only , much impressed with the singing of the cantor and the blowing of the ram 's horn , and a little taken aback by the quick exit at the end of the fast , presumably to get back home for the first square meal of the day .
11 If I am daft enough to tackle up in those conditions I usually go to sleep and hope I wake up to a change for the better .
12 If I 'm in port on a Sunday I always go to church at Tala-Tala . ’
13 Neighbour Linda Moore told the court she often went to Coventry to escape the sound of Jim Reeves , whose hits in the 1960s included Distant Drums , It Hurts So Much and I Love You Because .
14 After the game I immediately went to hospital , where I was detained overnight .
15 Once a bill has received the assent of both Houses it then goes to the monarch for the Royal Assent .
16 The first thing I never went to the doctor with when I , I tumbled off the wall down cut me head open and that 's the only , and then after I got used to playing football they must 've , have put a steel inset into your head the way I head that ball .
17 Most importantly for my health I never go to the bank with the takings any more .
18 This is the sort of thing they really go to town on : an armed man , probably wounded , probably hiding out nearby .
19 The following summer he again went to Germany , spending some time at the University of Berlin in desultory study .
20 It 's the garage I always go to . ’
21 Now , parents in the room who 've got young children , when was the last time you actually went to school sports day ?
22 Right , well please make sure this time you really go to work on those as well , now we 've got thirty three to have have n't we , now just let's have a look at that and make sure that you
23 Always told yer mother you never went to bed early enough . ’
24 Franco had never seen him so drunk and , although Maidstone 's intake of alcohol had often been greater on past occasions , this time he just went to pieces .
25 This life history , which extends to 311 pages , deals mainly with the writer 's early life in Poland and his travels before coming to America ; in fact he only goes to America 17 pages from the end , at the age of 27 .
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