Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] should [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 He said that involvement in Association activities should not interfere with promotional prospects or a proper career path .
2 But pig farmers should not despair .
3 The former Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Albert Pacey says concern over burglaries and car thefts should not overshadow the dangers of major organised crime .
4 One demand made during the Pilgrimage of Grace in 1536 was that entry fines should not exceed the value of two years ' rent , so it is likely that by this time , when a rising population was creating a shortage of land , some landlords were seeking more .
5 Figure legends should not exceed 300 words and ideally should be shorter .
6 Mark Saunders admits that car receivers should not rely exclusively on reception of the CT ( clock ) and date information but use the RDS to set and correct the displayed time .
7 Zero temperatures and snow flurries should n't put off the winter visitor either because a visit to Boston — whether for Christmas shopping or a New Year break — will leave you glowing .
8 In testimony before a court that will eventually rule on whether or not paintings from the Barnes Collection will go on tour for the first time , a conservator argued that several of the Barnes masterpieces should not tour under any circumstances .
9 What , do you think that there 's any connection between what you mentioned before about when you claimed for er bomb damage erm that working class people about being , supposed to have a piano , do you think there 's a connection between that sort of idea and the idea of people that lived in Harlow in Council houses should n't have cars ?
10 Shortly before David Hunt , Minister of State for the Environment , announced drastic changes in the ‘ safety net ’ arrangements to the conference , he was warned once again that poll tax payers in prudent council areas should not have to subsidise the profligate .
11 Technically , Harvard dealers should not have been selling stock to clients who had not dealt three times with the company , unless they had sent out written information about the stock .
12 Home owners should not hesitate to lodge appeals if they are in any way unhappy , ’ he said .
13 In an effort to improve relations with senior officers on the question of homosexuals in the armed services , he moved closer to agreeing that recruiting officers should not ask about sexual orientation and that recruits should not flaunt it .
14 Often there is no such work to be had , but if there is , the asylum seekers should not take it at the expense of people already here .
15 He appealed against the conviction on the ground , inter alia , that documents containing statements made by him in bankruptcy proceedings should not have been admitted , by virtue of section 31 of the Theft Act 1968 .
16 Yet Ministers only received £5000 and Permanent Secretaries in the civil service £3500 , and the Treasury were naturally concerned that public sector industries should not get too far out of line .
17 Mr Clarke said later that no decision had been taken to do away with the pay formula , but he added : ‘ However I can not agree that firefighters should be an exception to the Government 's policy that in the current pay round the rises of all public sector employees should not exceed 1.5 per cent and that there could not be any catching up settlement thereafter . ’
18 A moral : Our literature reviews should not ignore literature .
19 Road safety policies should not seek to limit mobility .
20 TOWN halls should not use dirty tricks , harassment or intimidation to stop schools opting out of local council control , Education Secretary John Patten warned yesterday .
21 In general , though , it was considered taboo — a place scientists should not tread — until the tide apparently turned at the 1986 international conference of human geneticists in Berlin , where participants openly discussed the possibilities .
22 As public relations the Sam Maguire All Ireland Cup is a pretty good one , and there is no reason why McEniff 's business interests should not gain a measure of reflected glory .
23 Sports players should not continue to play with open wounds .
24 On non-school days children should not work any more than five hours if they are under 15 and on Sundays children can only work two hours .
25 It probably has also escaped his notice that some of the BBC 's most cowardly-looking decisions — to drop the controversial film , The Last Temptation of Christ , to withdraw the Panorama programme on the economy and to decree that during the election campaign opinion polls should not lead the news bulletins — constitute genuflections to the Tories .
26 reallocation of update rights should not require the relocation of data , or the renaming of files
27 With some thought , and the necessary investment , there is no reason why your Fairy Basslets should not stay ‘ in the pink . ’
28 RACE AND COLOUR Newspapers should not publish material likely to encourage discrimination on grounds of race or colour , and should avoid references to people 's race or colour in prejudicial or pejorative contexts unless they are directly relevant to the story .
29 Horses competing in long distance events should not use a brand which contains bicarbonate .
30 The circular also stated that planning authorities should not attempt to compel developers to adopt designs which were unpopular with customers or clients ‘ and they should n't attempt to control such details as shapes of windows or doors or the colour of bricks ’ .
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