Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We write an add instruction which initially refers to store address 99 , and arrange to have it executed N times by appropriate use of a conditional jump instruction .
2 The main features of the 1990 budget , originally introduced on Sept. 19 , 1989 , and reintroduced substantially unaltered and adopted after the formation of the new centre-left government in November [ for which see p. 37050 ] , were the following : ( i ) a general cut in income taxes by 10 percentage points , including a reduction in the top rate from 72 to 60 per cent ; and ( ii ) a major programme for cleaning up the environment .
3 This method consists of four steps : ( 1 ) Pick colonies or plaques into microtitre dishes and grow overnight ; ( 2 ) Aliquot PCR mix with multi-channel pipette into PCR microtitre dish , load DNA using a 96-pin hedgehog device , and run PCR ; ( 3 ) Remove excess primer , nucleotides and low molecular weight truncated PCR fragments by one step precipitation of templates with polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) ; ( 4 ) Cycle sequence PCR products using e.g. dye-terminator or dye primer chemistry on the ABI 373A sequencer .
4 The loss resulted from a practice known as tobashi , which involved brokers shifting investment losses by one client to another , in order to prevent a favoured client from having to report the loss .
5 Therefore , we have shown the expression of HPV-16 and HPV-18 DNA in colonic cancer ( CC-M ) cell lines by Southern blot hybridisation .
6 23 October : Shares in Bond Corp and Bell Group are likely to be suspended if the companies have not published their preliminary profit and loss statements by this date .
7 It may help to improve the labour turnover figures by improving morale , though this is not certain .
8 Clearly , an array of export prohibitions by one country will not work in isolation .
9 However by applying combinations of other algorithms , it may be possible to take some relatively simple steps towards improving existing recognition rates by some kind of error correction system .
10 The suspension cast doubt on the prospect of larger-scale aid disbursements by Western donor countries .
11 Investigation of inheritance of chronic inflammatory bowel diseases by complex segregation analysis
12 Nevertheless , the violence continued into 1991 [ see pp. 37653 ; 38192 ; 38337-38 ] and the state was excluded from the May-June elections by presidential order [ see p. 38101 ; 38151 ] .
13 Since the initial report of the Munich group of treatment of gall bladder stones by extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) , this treatment has widely captured the attention of the medical literature .
14 Where this is the case there will be a need to remedy the deficiency as quickly as possible , and thereafter to seek to improve the individual 's eating habits by careful discussion and support .
15 Until now nobody knew how the parasites were killed , but if Clark 's idea is correct , and can be shown to operate in humans , a new generation of anti-malarials could be made which would kill parasites inside the red blood cells by local production of free radicals .
16 Mr Risbridger said they planned to invest and upgrade dock facilities by developing riverside berths capable of handling 8,000 tonnes .
17 A similar concession was given to construction industry employees by Inland Revenue Press Release dated 13 February 1981 .
18 Non-degree applicants apply direct to the Polytechnic , as do students wishing to undertake degree programmes by part-time study .
19 ALMOST £3m needs to be spent on improving obsolete heating in Middlesbrough council houses by next year .
20 It follows that attempting to reduce error rates by one person checking another 's performance or automatically comparing the output of the individuals simultaneously performing the same task is not as effective as it would be if errors in the sources were independent ( Chapanis et al . ,
21 In the EC there has been only a limited introduction of expanded audit mandates by individual member countries .
22 This research project investigates the development of spatial cognition in early childhood , focusing on three areas ; 1 ) spatial orientation in 2-5 year olds , 2 ) use of coordinate reference systems by 4-7 year olds , and 3 ) interpretation and use of maps by 4-7 year olds .
23 ( iv ) After the eggs have settled to the bottom of the dish , replace as much of the hyaluronidase solution as possible with warm M2 + BSA , collect the eggs by mouth pipette and wash them free of cumulus cells by repeated passage through further washes of M2 + BSA .
24 Sept. 16 : Sterling , the lira and the peseta are all forced below their ERM floors by speculative selling ; central bank interventions have no effect .
25 PROTECTION of national telecoms monopolies by European Community governments ‘ is not to be tolerated , ’ Sir Leon Brittan , the Commissioner for competition policy , said in London yesterday .
26 Unincorporated joint ventures are included in the group accounts by proportional consolidation .
27 The register and index have to be open for inspection during business hours by any member without charge and by any other person on payment of a small fee and a copy of it or any part of it has to be supplied to anyone on payment of a modest charge .
28 Many attempts to assist the less advantaged rural areas sought to create new job opportunities by attracting industry to them .
29 ‘ So there were effectively two Lee Jackson companies by this time .
30 The primary prevention of neural tube defects by periconceptional multivitamin or folic acid supplementation seems to be appropriate for the reduction of both occurrence and recurrence .
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