Example sentences of "[noun] [pers pn] [verb] given i " in BNC.

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1 For the reasons I have given I would grant the application .
2 Although I consider that at the relevant time Lautro 's Rules , and thus its procedure , were defective in the respects I have outlined , for the reasons I have given I conclude that Lautro were not required by law to afford to Winchester the opportunity to make representations as to why an intervention notice should not be served before deciding whether or not to serve such a notice .
3 For the reasons I have given I would dismiss this appeal .
4 And er the bedroom they 've given me I can see
5 During that journey I had only travelled among the Adoimara , and at Bilen they had given me alarming accounts of the ferocity of the Asaimara in Bahdu .
6 This is the third lot of antibiotics they 've given me
7 I am grateful to my colleagues at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Britain for the help and opportunities they have given me in the preparation of this book .
8 I 'll propose Emily 's report and , and in doing so I 'd like to say thank you to her for her sterling work this year , I think she 's done a terrific job erm and I 'd like to thank her personally for the help she 's given me over the year .
9 It was , Be blessings on thee , I mean and may God bless you for the help you 've given me .
10 As Francois Fenelon prayed : ‘ Gentleness is thy work , my God , and it is the work thou hast given me to do . ’
11 Half an hour later , I was in a forest eating the bread they had given me .
12 Speaking from the governor 's mansion in Little Rock , Arkansas , local boy Bill , said : ‘ I accept tonight the responsibility you have given me to be the leader of this , the greatest country in human history . ’
13 There was no emotion in his voice ; but I was thinking of Alison , of that last look she had given me .
14 Fellow Tablers I thank you most sincerely for the honour and opportunity you have given me to become your sixtieth National President .
15 yes , and er , that , that 's one of the plants I had given me , yeah I have some lov I have some lovely presents you know really great they are , quite nice at the part we , we have a , the children they , they er have games for the children to start with we do for the grandchildren you see and then er we have the dancing and the erm disco , it was great , we have a lovely party every October we have and I have all my friends we had about a hundred and eighty this year I think , must of been
16 ‘ Serve the Captain — what 's this stuff you 've given me ?
17 But I am at a loss to resolve whether to take away the things he has given me or no .
18 I bought an Amstrad PCW when they first came on the market , and sterling service it has given me .
19 I would be more than thankful and hopeful that I may have helped him in return for the inspiration he has given me .
20 ‘ I 'll be damned if I 'll set up in Northallerton because of the ride they have given me , ’ Mr Davies said .
21 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
22 I am happy there at the moment , and I want to repay Yorkshire for all the support they have given me over the years . ’
23 ‘ If you study the answers I have given I think you will find that they are very clear , ’ Di Leonardo returned .
24 ‘ If Gómez is not at the address you have given me I shall presume it is because you 've been in touch with him , so do n't phone him .
25 Since I did love my father and regretted that our busy lives had separated us , the chance to look after him , to give back some of the love he had given me , was in many ways terrifically satisfying .
26 I could kiss the man who told me that , two years of happiness he 's given me .
27 I said ’ Oh yes ’ and I saw the and he 'd kept the collar on , and of course he 'd given me the one that tossed his head up did n't he !
28 In all other respects , I agree with the opinion of my Lord , Lord Lowry ; but for the reason I have given I would dismiss this appeal .
29 I rang the number she 'd given me and she answered almost at once — whether she was up and reading , or whether the phone was beside her bed I did n't know .
30 In fact the only thing they 've given me so far are heels like ungrated Parmesan cheese .
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