Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] would [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Allegheny West had a greater percentage of units for which bond issue loans were allocated and a still greater percentage allocated to investors than its percentage of North Side units would account for .
2 There would be no chance of refilling it ; and one tank for four months through some of the world 's most spectacular coral seas would call for superhuman restraint .
3 This scepticism apart , most bass amp manufacturers would opt for a similar system if they thought the market would stand it , but realising that it places significant extra financial strain on the consumer , most do n't .
4 Robert Porter , Chief Reporter , finds out what the shop stewards would ask for at Downing Street and what they might get
5 Ms Brown recognises the potential dilemma which the shift to community services would create for nurses already working in or waiting to go into the acute sector .
6 Experts last night were unsure over whether any of the water companies would qualify for the FT-SE index , a crucial point in assessing their investment potential .
7 Experts last night were unsure over whether any of the water companies would qualify for the FT-SE index , a crucial point in assessing their investment potential .
8 Each day individuals would ask for private sacrifices to be offered to God in thanksgiving or forgiveness for sins .
9 Kuwait 's Ministry of Power and Water last week estimated that water supplies would last for 12 days if the slick reached desalination inlets , or for a month if the population was rationed to 4 litres per person per day .
10 Mr Prescott warned that rail passengers would pay for the grant cuts by higher fares and poorer service .
11 Those were the days … what the County Ground fans would give for something like this tomorrow …
12 For example the clergy , the landed gentry and freemen of livery companies and trade guilds would qualify for a funeral similar in style to those organized by the College of Arms for members of the peerage .
13 The Italian Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis , announced that eight Tornado fighters would depart for the Gulf that day .
14 Hoomey thought Nails would make for home , the mission accomplished , but he seemed disposed to come in Hoomey 's direction .
15 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
16 One of America 's first reactions was to talk of the need the Gulf states would have for ‘ additional security ’ .
17 Surely it is a ludicrous notion to suppose that two scientists on their own in a remote basement lab could claim to solve the world 's energy problems so that the scientific community would take up this claim , that world leaders would ask for regular briefings and that there could be nothing in it at the end .
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