Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] that they have " in BNC.

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1 In September 1989 Chadli announced the postponement of local elections , originally scheduled for December , following complaints from the opposition parties that they had not had enough time to prepare for them .
2 And he used to come to with his black horse and dray and I used to go to help him on a er on a Saturday morning , used to get to about perhaps nine or half past and I 'd go the rounds with him and all I used to do was to er take the peoples things that they 'd bought up the entry you see because they were all entries then .
3 But the government front bench denied opposition claims that they 'd deliberately delayed the decision to boost Tory support on the eve of the Party Conference .
4 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres PĂ©rez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
5 Perhaps the closer example is the Dutch case , where both the CD ( Centrumdemocraten and the CP 86 ( Centrum Partij '86 ) suffer from organisational weakness , as is revealed when the vagaries of electoral success oblige them to seek competent individuals to fill council seats that they have won .
6 Depositors are commonly financial institutions and multinational firms looking for a more profitable or convenient outlet for dollar deposits that they have acquired in the USA .
7 Civilization , that is , human societies , goes further than just linking family groups together through a set of work tasks that they have in common .
8 I could do a couple of tapes worth of slang words that they 've never heard of before .
9 Mr Nigel Rudd , chairman of Williams , said the company had received categorical assurances from the Barclay brothers that they had no intention of making an offer .
10 They are protected at the cash additions that they had er , or originally and they are somewhat higher than the erm , actual , erm , indirect per percentages would be .
11 This gave credence to the claims of some transferred Sendero women prisoners who told human rights workers that they had seen at least two women surrender who were later officially reported to have died in the fighting .
12 I do n't necessarily has to be a mother and father I think , so long as they are good role models that they have .
13 The groups in our survey worked to make sure that we look at the needs , advice needs that they have , and that 's brought out .
14 Well I know Bon said er they 'd they 'd cut down on the recruiting in fact , I think they 'd closed one of the hospitals in Bristol in the Frenchay where she is has actually got to take erm qualified nurses from that hospital before they take student nurses that they 've trained
15 Despite this , it is on their breeding grounds that they have been most studied .
16 We 've looked at the current number of users , where they live , the journey times that they have often provided by us on tra transport and the possibilities of where we can relocate them and clearly we have a number of centres in the Nottingham er conurbation which will be made available to those users from Beaver Vale .
17 An important factor in the crisis is the awakening realisation among West Germans that they have been tricked into pretending this peculiar arrangement of subsidising their compatriots ' oppressors was normal .
18 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
19 The responsibility will now be theirs and they 'd better get on with it and better show things that they 've been arguing and get along .
20 And then I went and showed her all forms , all these form things that they 've got I were letting her read it .
21 But at that same moment Giles had lurched through the crowd to her side and draped a possessive arm around her shoulders , muttering through a cloud of whisky fumes that they had to talk .
22 They are so used to watching TV images that they have no capacity for formulating their own images at all .
23 And the nonempiricist theories that they have meaning for us by virtue of our having encountered platonic forms in an earlier non-bodily life , or by virtue of having had ideas put into our mind-s by God , or by virtue of our having been born with them , can all be happily abandoned .
24 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
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