Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] we [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But ours is the only alternative whereby we can hope to get rid of him legally . ’
2 We saw in the first chapter how we can understand more about ourselves according to our type of personality .
3 We then travel the short distance to Lake Como where we will stay for two nights .
4 Work continues whenever we can muster a gang of at least two , which is quite often .
5 Well I 've had a word with Keith and he will be available and , and very willing to do a one day seminar of that nature basically on why unison how we should go about convincing the , the membership at large how we should er conduct the free ballot campaign as it were .
6 And , Tim , you and I ought to have a we 're not actually going to have a formal session on self-study , but we have another we have a rather loosely structured session when we can bring up any other matters for erm basically that they 'll want to plan the video session rather carefully as well basically I think we want to follow in on yesterday 's meeting — we want to find out why we 're not selling more videos basically and use the whole of that session if necessary for exploring with the area managers why we 're not doing twice or three times as well as we are .
7 ‘ Oh , this roof — as you said , you live here — I live here — I ca n't abandon my studio , it 's perfect — here is the scene where we must make our relationship real .
8 George Underwood : ‘ We had periods when we would bring a guitar into school , particularly when it was raining .
9 I set out at the time the details of the areas where we would see new and better facilities reopening , and those better facilities have reopened .
10 ‘ We 're in the process of targeting the other areas where we can use it , ’ he said , noting that others should be added sometime during this year .
11 Now , we talked about attention as being a process whereby we could explain how it is that , with all the information that we receive , or our senses receive , that we only process part of it , and we saw that within the information processing model .
12 This letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition search in the UK .
13 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition from overseas , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion .
14 This example letter outlines how we may assist a client with an acquisition , involving acquisition search , targeting , approach and completion , ie a full deal management service .
15 There was talk before the start of the competition having become more intense ; of the gap between McLaren and the rest having been reduced to the point where we might have a race on our hands .
16 Meanwhile in France , Robert Mitze , general director of USL Europe Ltd , said , ‘ We 're having other discussions with potential partners in Europe , but we have n't yet reached the point where we can announce them . ’
17 Through technology we have advanced to a point where we can destroy this planet and everything on it .
18 We are … at a point where we can work on the basis that many of our pupils in primary education are capable of undertaking high level thinking skills , progressive , incremental concept formation and rule learning .
19 Yes I wanted to erm outline what the you know the purpose of these discussions today er so that we can get to the point where we can get into er get into more detail .
20 ‘ They have brought even those of us who hold that view to the point where we can imagine armed action against them to prevent a general Balkan war . ’
21 Yet despite this decision — always regarded as a classic illustration of the common-law presumption in favour of freedom of assembly — the law has developed to the point where we can say with reasonable assurance that the residue of which Dicey was so proud has narrowed to the point of extinction .
22 This has enabled us to progress from cave dwellers to the point where we can ask about the ultimate theory of the universe .
23 At precisely the point where we could have been at our most radical we are at our least radical , this is the least radical document that we 've come across .
24 The days when we could defend good old British bulldog industry by slamming on trade tariffs and erecting a barrier against the rest of the world have gone .
25 ‘ There are a few places where we might meet one such … . ’
26 She argues that the rise in illegitimacy occurs in none of the places where we might have expected it if Shorter 's hypothesis of the sexual revolution were correct .
27 I know some brilliant places where we could use them .
28 We waited for the moment when we would hear those words : ‘ It 's a … ‘
29 Of course , sometimes we do feel that the other person has been rather abrupt in ending the conversation , and that is the moment when we should do our ethnomethodological analysis to identify what it was that they , or we , failed to do as part of bringing the conversation to a proper and recognizable end .
30 We know that the job has sharpened some of our talents and even given us other , quite new ones ; we experience a number of pleasurable sensations at work — labouring successfully under pressure , completing the job on time , the anticipation of the moment when we can stop .
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