Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh adv] [pron] [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Sue Weston ( Mrs Griffin ) has after a period of secondment returned to the National Childminding Association where she now works as their National Training Officer .
2 Who cares where they put the Channel Tunnel terminal when what really makes you cross is having to travel half an hour to find a park in which our kids can play — except , that is , if your street is in the line of blight ?
3 Mr McLean was as good as his word , and ‘ retired ’ after the 1983 election to become a part-time helper at Bishop Auckland constituency offices where he still remains .
4 And , as if that is not enough , it causes extra problems for joints of knees , hips and lower back , causing osteoarthritis and aggravating the condition where it already exists .
5 Now the Government choose to blame the European Commission instead of putting the blame where it rightly lies — on their own lack of support for the project .
6 This has happened recently with the peppered moth , a speckled species that is camouflaged on the lichen-covered tree-trunks where it normally lives .
7 He is a Palestinian , born in Israel , studied art there and in England where he now lives .
8 Now the thing with the bar-tailed lark is that it just lives in the desert where nothing else does and to complicate matters it lives in the forbidden zone .
9 John Tomlinson LCH MRPharmS is the founder and director of the Helios Homœopathic Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells where he also practises .
10 Hard as he is working on the switch , it may be that Bayfield is being groomed in the rigours of international rugby so as to be better able to step into Dooley 's shoes when he finally retires , probably at the end of this season .
11 From this false start , their marriage had many more vicissitudes until it has now reached a point where there now exists between them a thinly disguised mutual antipathy .
12 But whether a reckless driver hits a pedestrian depends upon the presence of the pedestrian at the point where he recklessly passes a red light .
13 So it is not surprising that his interest developed from driving them very fast and very skilfully to the point where he now heads a business specialising in accident repairs and coachbuilding with a turnover in the region of £7.5 million .
14 I do n't know what reasons brought you to me or whether they have any connection with certain events — I have my suspicions I 'll confess , but I accept it is n't any of my business unless it reaches a point where it outwardly affects me .
15 Eventually , you reach a point where it actually becomes unwieldy . ’
16 Thus whereas mastery of the instinctual drives builds the ego and raises its level of self-esteem and competence , its individuality and its initiative , external control of those drives has the opposite effect , reducing the self-esteem , competence , initiative and individuality of the ego to the point where it almost disappears altogether .
17 I said I said cos you do n't know but she 's a n she 's a nice girl , she looks alright in uniform , she 's not very bright but she 's brighter than some of the ones you 've got er give her a meet and greet job where she just has to smile and point people in the general direction of the bogs and things like that , er , I said and she 'll be alright
18 And who , who has seen certain films where someone just walks into it , shows his driving licence and he buys a gun , yeah ?
19 Well no you 'd be amazed what they do , if you leave Blu Blu- tac up for a while how it actually takes
20 Below : An aging male babirusa that appears near to the day when it slowly gores itself through its forehead .
21 He pinched my arm harder — just above the elbow where it really hurts .
22 so I said to her come on I said come on you 'll got ta start trying to be strong , I know it 's a nasty night being celebration night when everybody else looks as if they 're enjoying
23 This is one area where it really pays to shop around .
24 The women took Arthur away across to the mystical Isle of Avalon where he still sleeps waiting to claim the British throne once again .
25 One curator noted that ‘ Ted is fine at the Kimbell where he basically runs the show , but most American museums today are n't like that .
26 But I think the thing that runs through the whole collection and that makes Doisneau a remarkable photographer , is that he 's photographed the same locality and this is the locality where he still lives , really from the early 30s right through to the present .
27 So unfortunately Geoff wo n't be able to repeat the service he has given other friends when he eventually retires .
28 Its door is open , and a trail of slime leads to a point in the middle of the floor where it suddenly ends .
29 The ambitious soldier can expect a similar progression , from Commander of the Bath when he becomes brigadier , to KCB when he reaches lieutenant-general and GCB when he eventually storms the summit of military life .
30 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
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