Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun pl] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Tonight , one of Hadley 's victims described her anger towards him , and her relief he 'd been found guilty .
2 Jake 's hands gripped her shoulders .
3 Katherine 's features registered her surprise .
4 Lucenzo 's hands gripped her waist .
5 Candy 's eyes showed her total confusion .
6 The king 's soldiers saw her beautiful white dress and her three medals for goodness , and they opened the doors to the gardens at once .
7 Mary 's nobles detested her insolent consort almost as much as she did and , either from genuine loyalty to her or in devious application of their own power politics , conspired to remove him .
8 And the hostility she saw in the woman 's eyes made her shudder inwardly .
9 Only the knowledge that he might provide some clue in the mystery of Suzie 's whereabouts held her prisoner .
10 But the three-year-old celebrity whose picture will now appear on the soap firm 's cartons kept her excitement under wraps .
11 Rourke 's lips brushed her cheek fleetingly in the instant before his control shattered and he , too , groaned in an explosion of fulfilment .
12 At first only the Simonova 's lights betrayed her presence amid the blackness of space .
13 Manolo 's eyes followed her jiggle from the door to the desk and back .
14 Elizabeth 's eyes met her husband 's .
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