Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 Spencer 's emphasis on the struggle against the environment as the driving force of progress thus helped to create the popular image of ‘ Darwinism ’ .
2 Vivian Bone was appointed acting secretary , and in a bold move , the University decided that when making a permanent appointment , it would split Mr Spencer 's post on the industrial model of a chief executive and a chairman .
3 Admiring Durkheim 's stress on the need for community , Eliot wrote that , ‘ For the savage or the civilized man , a solely individual existence would be intolerable : he feels the need of recreating and sustaining his strength by periodic refuge in another consciousness which is supra-individual .
4 I thought of the horse 's silhouette on the far bank , and the quiet splosh as the eel-fishermen cast off .
5 Sally-Anne loved a dare , and Terry Rourke 's appeal had been frank and animal — he had excited her , and it had been simple for her to lie to her mother , to set out to go to a girlfriend 's home on the following afternoon and meet Terry instead .
6 His caddie instead is ‘ Baldrick ’ , Richard Owens from Sleaford who got his nickname from Hare 's request on the practice ground for more ammunition .
7 His caddie instead is ‘ Baldrick ’ , Richard Owens from Sleaford who got his nickname from Hare 's request on the practice ground for more ammunition .
8 One interesting side effect of the fire in Ankh-Morpork concerns the inn-sewer-ants policy , which left the city through the ravaged roof of the Broken Drum , was wafted high into the discworld 's atmosphere on the ensuing thermal , and came to earth several days and a few thousand miles away on an uloruaha bush in the beTrobi islands .
9 The Senate ( upper house ) also voted on Jan. 16 to support Mitterrand 's policy on the Gulf by 290 votes to 25 with two abstentions .
10 As far as the Greek stage is concerned , Schelling 's emphasis on the hero is bound to entail a diminution of interest in the chorus , that problematic but inescapable feature of ancient drama .
11 In Tuesday 's report on the High Court case , the name of the fifth bank was wrongly given by the court as Mitsubishi Finance Corporation .
12 Until yesterday , these would have seen Barnes deployed on one flank with Rocastle 's defensive awareness earning him a ninth cap at Waddle 's expense on the other .
13 Mum had taken to her bed in Jean 's place on the day she left our house , and she had n't got up since .
14 I was even happier to discover from John McCready 's article on The Farm that it was called ‘ Natural Thing ’ by Innocence .
15 True , redemption dues were abolished , and Stolypin 's attack on the commune broadened the labour market and encouraged trade in land .
16 The Court of Appeal upheld the defendant 's conviction on the basis that a purchaser would understand the description " new " to indicate that the vehicle had had no previous registered keeper .
17 I helped her a rearrange the Lady Eleanor 's body on the bed , drawing the curtains around it .
18 Donna 's leader on the DTS is the same as I had 5 years ago !
19 Any review of the makings of this conflict must take account of the wider world in which the belligerents lived , of which some of the more important features were : the rivalry of the superpowers ; the Arab-Israeli conflict ; Islamic resurgence ; the struggle for Arab world dominance ; the world of oil and the emergence of OPEC ; the Kurds ; the political evolution of the Gulf states ; Turkey and Afghanistan 's position on the fringe of events ; and the vicissitudes of the US dollar .
20 He had leapt with ease over the fearsome Becher 's Brook on the second circuit , but he was tiring and had no jockey to keep him going .
21 The Inland Revenue 's policy on the allocation of overpayments of tax against underpayments , and the interest consequences thereof , have been published in an appendix to the notes of a meeting between the Revenue and the Institute 's Tax Faculty ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 90 ) .
22 Martin Dodsworth ( Knaresborough ) stick floated maggot during a heavy snow storm to win his club 's match on the Nidd .
23 Similarly , Marshall Sahlins 's work on the Hawaiian islanders in his Islands of History , though far more acutely aware of contending multiple narratives trying to ascribe different significances to the same happenings , is also organised so that it allows Sahlins to present a narrative wherein conflicting stories/histories are mapped out in a framework which explores these histories ' interpenetrations , their assimilations of each other rather than their refusals of each other .
24 The S2 provides high torque throughout the rev range , allowing you to apply confident bursts of speed when overtaking , its ‘ ground effect ’ technology tightening the car 's grip on the road as you 're accelerating .
25 Then he 'd gone into Belfast with the samples and had cracked the car 's exhaust on the ramps outside a police station .
26 The suggestion that it is a self-portrait is strengthened by evidence from David 's letter on the Salon of 1819 .
27 Rain said not quite , and enquired how Emelda 's book on the subjection of Italian women was going .
28 The ICI team pinned its hopes for the programme 's success on the untried gas-liquid reactions .
29 Sharon Ross-Giverson is the programme 's co-ordinator on the Copenhagen side .
30 At the same time Gregory 's emphasis on the civil wars tends to divert attention from the very real achievements made by the Merovingians in keeping the peace .
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