Example sentences of "[noun] [am/are] taken from the " in BNC.

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1 THE MIRACLES surrounding the funeral procession of Hugh of Lincoln are taken from the Flores Historiarum , a thirteenth and fourteenth-century text originally credited to Matthew of Westminster ( it was actually written by the monks of St. Albans and Westminster ) , and from the Nova Legenda Angliae by John Capgrave ( 1393–1464 ) .
2 Every year the birds are taken from the part of the river where the races take place both for their own and the rowers ' safety .
3 The better cod are taken from the sandbar when the water is coloured .
4 Those words are taken from the headnote in the Law Reports and seem a fair if wholly circular summary .
5 These courses are based on the highly successful format of our Executive Course I. The topics and vocabulary areas are taken from the various specialised fields ; functional language is presented in relevant contexts and related to professional needs .
6 Two-thirds of its imports of medicinal plants are taken from the wild .
7 Interestingly , dendrochronology can also demonstrate when the panels are taken from the same tree because of the close similarity of the ring patterns .
8 Large quantities of water are taken from the River Don for use in the power stations and the rolling mills .
9 When the Republican leader in the Senate , Mr Robert Dole , suggested that 5% be taken from the five top recipients , he killed two birds with one shock-horror proposal : he sent a signal to the Israeli government , and he queried the sacrosanct nature of the earmarked programmes .
10 The following quotations are taken from the Hebrew Bible ( what Christians call the ‘ Old Testament ’ ) , the New Testament , the Qur'an and the Bhagavad Gita ( a Hindu sacred text ) :
11 Three examples are taken from the research outlined in the previous section as illustrative materials showing what is here meant by translation .
12 Such examples are taken from the English scene : German towns could provide many more .
13 Following the vaginal tests , but at the same examination , tests are taken from the cervix .
14 A derived-term system is one where all descriptors are taken from the item itself .
15 The following pieces of information are taken from the student 's notes on the Spanish Civil War and are in no particular order .
16 The screen shots are taken from the 3.1 version .
17 The contextual statements in the introduction are taken from the guide of twelve years ago , with no apparent recognition that in traffic planning terms there has been little short of a revolution in the intervening period .
18 Cohen 's photos are taken from the same dumb angle .
19 The coefficients of the input-output analysis are taken from the ‘ 1984 CSO Input-Output Tables for the UK ’ .
20 The drawings are taken from The Dinosauria edited by , and , a comprehensive compendium of information on dinosaur anatomy , taxonomy , diversity and distribution .
21 These calculations of working time are taken from the accounts of daily routine obtained in the interviews .
22 Some water boards insist that all cold water taps in the house are taken from the rising main ; others insist that only the kitchen tap is taken from the main and that all others are fed from the roof tank .
23 The tissue samples are taken from the foetus at seven weeks old , when it is only about one inch long .
24 Transplanted cells are taken from the pancreas of a donor .
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