Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] were [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Long , easy nonwords gained responses from the skilled readers which were no slower than those to short , difficult nonwords .
2 Such conditions led to areas of swamp which were a natural trap for unwary animals which ventured to the river to drink .
3 Togliatti 's apparent cold indifference to the fate of his fellow countrymen shocked many and seemed likely to damage the electoral chances of the PDS and the PRC , the two parties which were the direct successors of the PCI .
4 Pages were put together by gathering the material up and roughing it into a layout based round the principal hooks — the headlines and pictures which were the only things that really mattered .
5 The aim of the United Peace Alliance was deliberately broad , ignoring most of the social and economic demands which were the central feature of all previous " Unity " campaigns .
6 In the detailed researches of Malcolmson and others there is ample illustration of the vigour of recreational forms which were an essential part of a plebeian culture , consideration of which is central to an understanding of the social relations of the period .
7 The ceremonial accoutrements which were an essential accompaniment to the sacrificial procedure were also all of significant colour ( scarlet wool , hyssop , cedar wood — Exod.
8 In the resulting buildings classical detail and a considerable degree of classical order can be found joined with dramatic combinations of towers , bay windows , and great expanses of glass , derived from the Gothic tradition , and with the complex and ingenious plans which were the architectural expression of the device .
9 Many of the sites they inherited in 1948 were near the towns and cities which were the main load centres , but such sites seemed less likely to gain planning permission in the 1950s .
10 While they were being asked to trim investment , the Government 's own policies were creating additional needs for investment in electricity distribution : airfields and other new defence installations for the Korean mobilisation , for example , required new electricity mains , as did the new housing estates which were a vital part of Labour 's drive for electoral popularity .
11 Er now we , the pensioners , had no choice , we were picked up and put into the new scheme having paid our contributions appropriately to the old scheme rules which were the higher contributions , but only to pick up the new scheme rules that were against our interest .
12 Held , dismissing the applications , that prior to 1873 judges sitting as visitors to the Inns of Court to hear appeals by barristers who had been ordered to be suspended or disbarred were acting as judges and performing judicial duties which were an essential part of the administration of justice in their courts ; that the disciplinary jurisdiction of the visitors in respect of fitness of persons to become or remain barristers , was a jurisdiction which was transferred to the High Court by section 16 of the Judicature Act 1873 and retained there by section 18 of the Judicature Act 1925 and section 10(3) ( b ) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ; and that , accordingly , there was no jurisdiction to hear the applications for judicial review ( post , pp. 1007D–E , G — 1008A , 1010B ) .
13 This analysis of the history of the visitors ' jurisdiction before 1873 makes it quite clear , in our judgment , that when the judges were sitting as visitors to the Inns of Court to hear appeals by barristers who had been ordered to be suspended or disbarred they were acting as judges and performing judicial duties which were an essential part of the administration of justice in their courts .
14 Alexei guessed that if Burun wished to discredit him with Artai he only had to link his name with any one of the intrigues which were a constant background to the life of the court .
15 For these two were emotionally fixated on that monster , bonded to it by sentiments which were the cruellest parody of love and of family attachment .
16 Distrust of the motives of the National government prevented the Labour Party and the Left from supporting measures such as rearmament and conscription which were the logical outcome of the failure of " appeasement .
17 The break-up with Rigby was complicated because the couple were at the core of a group which were the direct forerunners of The Wedding Present .
18 Even until after the Second World War , the cities of Dalmatia could more easily maintain contact with each other by sea than along the tortuous roads and tracks which were the only means of land transport .
19 In his view the peasantry ( and indeed society as a whole ) was caught in a conceptual bind ; for although Protestantism provided the rudiments of a revolutionary ideology , it also distracted attention from the economic and political conditions which were the real source of their plight .
20 And those families which were the worst , being inns and alehouses , usually some persons in each house did seem to be religious . ’
21 These records showed that there were occasional mastitis , lameness and infertility problems which were the main factors in reducing milk production .
22 In fact melody and bass together defined harmonies which were the real basis of variation .
23 The wife was entitled to compensation for her vexation , anxiety and stress which were the direct and foreseeable result of the defendants ' negligence .
24 This wild area is quite shaded by some old apple trees which were the only trees in the garden when they moved in .
25 Jewels worn in remembrance of dear ones lost , or exchanged between lovers as tokens , were extremely popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries , although the ubiquitous lockets containing tresses of hair were perhaps the least subtle of these keepsakes. fit a time when the language of such things was far better understood than it is today , hearts and flowers , birds and beasts and a multitude of other symbols were incorporated into jewellery design to signify romantic love , to represent those sentiments and virtues which were the major preoccupation of the day .
26 Your Chairmanship of the Trustees of the National Gallery ( 1985–91 ) coincided with important changes in the nature of British national museums which were a direct consequence of Mrs Thatcher 's desire to increase accountability and reduce spending in the public sector .
27 It has been argued by Johnston ( 1962 ) that in Sweden , however , it was not so much the benefits of having uniform wage levels which were the major attraction of association , rather , it was the negative purpose of employers being able to present a united front to prevent the unions from ‘ whipsawing ’ individual firms ( see Chapter 4 ) .
28 The strangeness lay in the mens ' uniforms which were the standard French infantry uniforms .
29 During most of the fourteen years that he was running his restaurant he found it necessary to supplement his earnings by articles , books — heaven knows how he found the time to write them — cookery classes , lectures and the television demonstrations which were the first of their kind .
30 Lowland areas were not only important for pasture ; seasonal flooding of such areas attracted large numbers of wildfowl which were an important source of food in such localities for a very long time .
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