Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] are [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the fuel used directly to power farm equipment and to transport food , processed or unprocessed , to the consumer , the fertilizers and pesticides which are an integral part of modern cultivation methods are overwhelmingly derivatives of oil .
2 It is only quite lately and now that we are able regularly to get strengths which are a large fraction of the theoretical value , that it has become really important and worthwhile to make materials with very strong chemical bonds .
3 middle-class people , rich people , go elsewhere ; they go and see their GP , they have a wider network of people that they could perhaps draw on ; and if they do n't they have the nine-to-five freedom from their children , the release from the pressures of having kids around ; they have boarding schools which are a legitimate way of getting rid of our children if you have the money to do it .
4 With actors of the calibre of Gerard Kelly ( as Spanky ) , Andy Gray , Alexander Morton and Barbara Rafferty that was never likely , but what was less expected was the ability of the actors in the parts of the younger Slab Boys to rise to heights , to produce the casual , offhand , muscular performances which are the ideal foil for the more reflective playing of their older selves .
5 The conceptual hotch-potch of the traditional curriculum , based on subjects which are a random assortment of content-based , concept-based , skill-based and moral-based collections of ideas ( whose confusing absurdity is in part exemplified by the NCC 's cross-curricular skills which are exactly the same as the curricular subjects ) has never been designed from first principles to do the basic job of a curriculum , which is to help achieve aims in the most effective and efficient way .
6 It is claimed that high taxation rates reduce personal savings which are an essential ingredient in the moral character of a nation and which are also an important source of funding for investment in private industry .
7 The publisher Grant Richards encouraged her to turn to novel writing , and between 1907 and 1916 she produced six books which are the perfect expression of her personality : frivolous and witty , but with an underlying sense of melancholy .
8 It is cases like Byrd , Utley and Toon which are the chief cause for concern .
9 However , most taxes which are a practical proposition create their own distortions in the economy and involve non-trivial collection costs .
10 Of course you may get some probably some very good people a added , I do n't know wh wh wh they 'll be none of us knows , er they 're are going to nowhere that they 're going to get their expenses , they 're also going to get their allowances , I do n't know what those allowances will be er and I would n't assume that they 're necessarily going to lessen their independents because they receive allowances , but it is weakened , it is weakening the powers of the local institutions which are an essential part of our democratic society in this country .
11 In theory , the shareholders have legal control of the company , but in practice this is most often exercised by the directors who between them may have a small minority of the shares with the acquiescence of the institutions which are the major shareholders .
12 These animals were also communicating with each other , but we were only able to catch the deep rumbles which are the upper harmonies of their conversation .
13 Zeki 's results would never have been obtained if he had continued to study V4 cells using spectrally pure light sources that are the tradition in visual system physiology , rather than coloured objects which are the normal source of our colour perception .
14 Whilst these useful items of information should be derived with little extra effort from the basic books of the business , more resources are needed to provide management accounts which are a real aid to decision taking .
15 Indeed , instead of starting from the misleading contrast between ‘ material ’ and ‘ cultural ’ , we have to define two areas for analysis : first , the relations between these material means and the social forms within which they are used ( this is of course a general problem in social analysis , but the discussion is limited , here , to cultural means and forms ) ; and , second , the relations between these material means and social forms and the specific ( artistic ) forms which are a manifest cultural production ( these will be discussed in the succeeding chapters ) .
16 Thus section 25 provides defences which are the same as those in sections 24 and 25 of the 1968 Act ( above ) .
17 Their games are , in fact , nothing more or less than a rehearsal prior to the performance of the activities which are the serious business of all the members of the Gikuyu tribe .
18 Mr , main argument of course er was er wholly spacious er with that proposed in the main motion would not stop any activities which are the proper aim of the agriculture act .
19 After the 1979 Conservative victory , it is less clear that a party will suffer if it advocates policies which are a clear break with the past .
20 What interests me as a social anthropologist is not just that human beings behave in a lot of different unexpected ways but that the patterning of these differences of behaviour also varies ; and it is the continuities and the variations in these underlying patterns which are the real focus of my interest .
21 High-temperature gas cleaning techniques remove the water and metal ions which are a natural constituent of silica glass , and attenuate light .
22 History may be cited as an example , not least because in the post-Falklands era several leading figures , including Sir Keith Joseph and Professor Hugh Thomas , have singled it out for special mention in connection with ‘ understanding the shared values which are a distinctive feature of British Society ’ .
23 To quote Sir Keith : " One of the aims of studying history is to understand the development of the shared values which are a distinctive feature of British society and culture and which continue to shape private attitudes and public policy .
24 It is inevitable because it derives from shared values which are a necessary part of all social systems .
25 They spoke of ‘ an increasing displacement of the traditional curriculum in favour of new and artificial subjects ’ ; and they concluded that instead of such ‘ infantilizing ’ nonsense , ‘ the difficult subjects of the traditional curriculum are … the thing that is required if a child is to obtain either the competence necessary for a successful adult life , or the wider understanding and enriched experience which are the greatest benefits of education ’ .
26 This relates to the two aggregates which are the primary concern of accruals accounting and about which cash accounting has nothing to say , namely , capital and income .
27 All these are not merely parts of our descriptive model ; we assume that they correspond very directly to aspects of the activity which goes on in the mind of speakers ; by contrast the relation of instantiation which links particular items of the English vocabulary and the elements E and P is metalinguistic , since in any particular use of a linguistic structure the word-meanings which are present , supported of course by the word-forms which are the overt carriers of the meanings , are the Es and the Ps , rather than being related to them .
28 Daler-Rowney offer Bristlewhite pure hog brushes , the well-known Dalon range which are an excellent synthetic version of sable .
29 SANTA SPECIALS which are a great source of revenue for many railway societies throughout the British Isles arrived in Dublin for the first time on Sunday , December 6th .
30 The bulk of this chapter has been taken up with a discussion of the relationship between the undergraduate curriculum and just two of Lawton 's eight ‘ cultural sub-systems ’ — the social and the economic although the latter has led us into areas which are a long way from the purely economic , and seems to yield a useful typology of undergraduate courses .
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