Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] might [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 introduction of new technology/learning methods which might alter student contact time ; and
2 Worthwhile are the concerts arranged in halls which might pull capacity audiences of 500–1000 punters .
3 At present , we have no evidence for a heterodimerization among these proteins which might impair DNA-binding .
4 Strikes rapidly disappeared as union after union either found their members unwilling in union ballots to risk strike action which might mean unemployment , or else felt wary of running up huge costs through fines in the courts .
5 Thus , although the British hoped that not all of Indo-China would fall to the communists , the scenario which haunted the government in London throughout the spring and summer of 1954 was of some reckless American action which might bring disaster throughout Eurasia .
6 The Robbins proposals , however , pointed towards a system of CNAA tutelage for those institutions which might have university aspirations but which had not , like the CATs , yet earned their spurs .
7 It could , indeed , help to establish the kind of ethos which might make recourse to legal remedies unnecessary .
8 Some activities which might involve experience of sorting are discussed below :
9 He refrained , not wishing to goad Googol into some display of bravado which might rob Jaq of such an excellent warp pilot .
10 Just such a range is Rejuvenage , already available in this country , which aims to provide Retin-A users with a simple cleanse-tone-protect programme ; the range builds in a moderate sun protection factor while excluding any ingredients which might cause irritation to the highly sensitive skin .
11 Other health concerns which might merit attention by those involved in the Regional Research Laboratory ( RRL ) initiative include air and water pollution .
12 ( b ) any claim arising out of circumstances notified to the insurer during the period of insurance as circumstances which might give rise to a claim .
13 The review is designed to identify matters which might give rise to queries following a review by a reasonably informed , but uninvolved , reader .
14 Dunning and co-workers ( 1986 ) further point out that there is little proof that soccer violence is caused by the excessive drinking of alcohol : many hooligans seldom drink prior to the match to keep a ‘ clear head ’ for any aggression which might take place .
15 One was finally found in Wales , but the company refused to deal with a record which might cause offence to people on religious grounds .
16 The pinnae usually face forward but can be swivelled round to concentrate any sound which might signal danger or food .
17 Our results suggest that cholera toxin may serve as a secretory model in the human jejunum which might allow testing of new antisecretory agents .
18 The poor world has great potential in this respect , including some 2,000 divisions of poisonous plants which might become pest killers .
19 Changes which are identified here are thought to be suggestive of changes which might take place in other areas of Shetland as the construction phase of the oil era winds down , and the oil production phase takes off in earnest .
20 Webber 's job was to locate any pitfalls in the concept which might give substance to Wilson 's original ‘ maybe ’ about the show .
21 Indeed , as a leading member of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal , he conceived it his duty to draw attention to any person or event which might bring science into disrepute .
22 Avoid any actions which might endanger access .
23 So let us take one of the two decision variables and try to create a possible argument which might give rise to the observed comparative static effects ; this argument is partly backed by some of the questionnaire responses .
24 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
25 It is currently being investigated in detail as part of an overall transport strategy which might include infrastructure provision and traffic management .
26 There is however insufficient preparation and integration into the rest of the course for the cultural learning which might take place .
27 Diplomatically and politically non-Europeans could be ignored by Europe down to 1914 , except in the western hemisphere , where United States influence was paramount , and in the Far East , where Japan became increasingly important and the Americans had interests which might require respect .
28 Lord Templeman was not prepared to consider the kinds of mistake which might justify interference by the court with the valuation of an expert , and made the following remark :
29 ( e ) there was widespread agreement amongst those who opposed the proposal , that a solicitor who wished to act in the circumstances outlined in the question ought nevertheless to be under an obligation to disclose to the lender any personal , family or employee interests attaching to the transaction which might give rise to a conflict .
30 You can also colour-code or underline parts of the word which might cause difficulty , and can comment on the tricky bit when you record .
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