Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential to appreciate that when religious people show bigotry , intolerance , narrow-mindedness , violence and all other such forms of evil , they are in fact betraying the religion which they say they uphold .
2 When they compete locally , they do so in the same way as other moral considerations which we know we have to reconcile somehow .
3 Wh to fetch in s his folks are coming in their car which he says they are .
4 He looked with concern at the scratches on Lucy 's face , then poured tea which he insisted she drank at once .
5 This may be true of the common-or-garden use of the word idea , but when a philosopher like John Locke says that a man is not speaking intelligibly unless his words ‘ excite the same ideas in the hearer which he makes them stand for in speaking ‘ i it is not just a way of talking .
6 There was a touch of desperation in her reply which she knew he heard , but surprisingly he made no attempt to mock her , or force her into giving him any more reasons .
7 Jazz was limping and making pained , mutterings and cursings which she thought it tactful to ignore .
8 I 've got another piece which I think you 'd like , it 's all to do with food poisoning , which is rampant in Cambridge , I think you 'd like to know how many people are dying each week .
9 You can appreciate by the remarks my agent made to me on the telephone ( words which I swear I have not amended or distorted in any way at all ) just how big and unpleasant a problem I have sitting like a gibbering troll on my innocent shoulders .
10 She does not become criminally liable merely by assisting her husband to escape punishment for a crime which she knows him to have committed ; and it is only within certain limits that husband and wife are competent , and within narrower limits that they are compellable , to give evidence against one another , in criminal proceedings .
11 er for special services I invite everybody , and I 've got about fifty on my books which I think I can afford to go around when I get there , can you do a couple , they live near you
12 As on Friday , no one seemed to notice me and certainly no one challenged me as I walked through to Patterson 's office whistling cheerfully ( a Tommy Smith riff which I wished I could transfer from his tenor sax to my battered trumpet ) and holding a plan of the air-conditioning system out in front of me .
13 Well she did last year , she told us , but this year , well Paddy , Paddy bought her a book of quotations , which she , she quite liked it , but it 's not a very attractive book , and we bought her a video of The Little Mermaid which we know she wants
14 But his main preoccupation during the latter part of his life was in attempting to obtain the public recognition which he felt he had been denied .
15 One fundamental difference between junior and adult fiction is that many ( in certain periods , most ) writers for children feel they must tell their readers what they want them to know or to feel .
16 One formed the impression that its editor gave his readers what he thought they ought to read rather than what they might want or enjoy .
17 In my class of infants , a little five-year-old girl was busy drawing what she told me was a ‘ picture of God ’ .
18 I 'll pu I 'll nip down to see Pat and ask Pat what she thinks I should do .
19 Yeah , th he used to be he used to be a watchmaker or clock er mender , watcher whatever you call it !
20 But then there was that day she gave me the brooch what she said I was n't never to forget .
21 They told the president what they wanted him to know …
22 When the keeper had captured the monkey in the net he led the way to a small building which he informed them was the annexe to the quarantine block .
23 Beneath each frame there was a scrap of token text which I suppose I must have read .
24 My Lords , I have had the advantage of reading in draft the speeches of my noble and learned friends , Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Browne-Wilkinson , and for the reasons which they give I agree that the appeal should be allowed and the questions answered in the way in which my noble and learned friend , Lord Keith of Kinkel , proposes .
25 I agree with it , and for the reasons which he gives I , too , would dismiss both appeals .
26 I agree with it , and for the reasons which he gives I , too , would allow the appeal .
27 Em , but that 's the reason is that there 's , there 's a shortfall of the government funding of one point eight five six on that rollover funding which we think it would be unfair to ask this committee to find out of you know cuts in other areas within our , within our budget and that 's the reason for the recommendation .
28 And as I 'm able to do the arithmetic , the difference between the County Council 's full migration which is forty six thousand two hundred , and ours with no environmental reduction which I gave you as fifty four thousand eight hundred , comes if I 've done my arithmetic right , to eight thousand six hundred .
29 The deputé , in a supplementary question , asks what on earth the minister means by ‘ Belgian ’ and demands that he clarify this category which he says he does not recognise .
30 and in fact the result of co-operation between Suffolk and Norfolk which I hope you know , both be recognized , I 'm sure it did
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