Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb past] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suggested that the latter point could be explained in part by reference to the change in the social composition of the electorate which had been in progress over the '60s .
2 A CLASSIC Rolls-Royce limousine which had been in the same Scottish family for 60 years made £21,275 at a Sotheby 's weekend car sale at the Royal Air Force museum , Hendon , North London .
3 The USA reacted angrily to the attack and threatened to call off talks with the PLO which had been under way since late 1987 .
4 Parliament on June 12 , 1991 , approved a constitutional amendment to allow female members of the royal family to succeed to the throne , thus overturning the male-only succession which had been in place since Belgian independence .
5 With Fisher 's appointment as President of the Board ( having a seat in the Cabinet ) came an undertaking that money would be made available for such post-war reconstruction ; and the policy itself was enshrined in legislation to enable the kind of educational expansion within the continuing and adult sectors which had been at the forefront of the Newbolt Committee 's deliberations.5 In practice , however , such expansion was never enacted , despite the ever-increasing reliance of the universities upon state funds ( by 1931 they were receiving slightly over half their income from this source ) ,
6 The president of Daiwa Securities , Japan 's second-largest securities company , resigned on March 11 in connection with a stock scandal which threatened to reignite the controversy over the relationship between brokers and major clients which had been at the root of a series of scandals in mid-1991 [ see pp. 38292 ; 38342-42 ] .
7 It was hard to put into words what had been until so recently just a thought at the back of her mind , but she had to try .
8 The bombings appeared to be an attempt to force the government to negotiate over the hunger strike by some 40 GRAPO prisoners which had been in progress since Nov. 30 , 1989 [ see p. 37588 ] .
9 Seventeen of those arrested , including the soldiers , were detained on Aug. 21 , whilst the others were arrested in separate operations which had been under way since March .
10 Osric , king of Northumbria ( 718–29 ) ( HE V , 23 ) , no details of whose reign are known , could have been a son of Ealhfrith or of Aldfrith , and either way his accession will have represented a restoration of Oswiu 's family to royal power ( even if , in the former case , of a branch which had been in political eclipse for half a century ) , but his successor Ceolwulf ( 729–37 ) was a brother of Coenred ( HE V , 23 ) and Ceolwulf 's successor , Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , son of Eata , son of Leodwald , was Ceolwulf 's first cousin .
11 The canal engineer William Jessop was largely responsible for this pioneering work which had been in prospect ever since the Stuart period .
12 However , the Heilbron Report made no proposals to change the law on the issue which had been at stake in the Morgan case — that a man could escape a rape conviction if he thought that the woman was consenting whether she was or not .
13 The Liebherr LTM 1090 crane replaces a similar capacity vehicle which had been in service at the terminal since May 1982 .
14 In this way , specific dates can be given to a sequence of finds as more information becomes available : if , for example , a cemetery which had been in use for several decades is excavated , the finds from each grave are studied as individual groups to be fitted into an overall sequence .
15 A possible limitation to this is the suggestion that it would cover only those matters which had been before the House , or at least those coming before the House in the current Parliamentary session .
16 In 1988 the applicant was charged with six other offences , and in 1989 with two further offences which had been under investigation since 1983 .
17 I put it with other money I had and part exchanged my irons for a full set of top quality blades which had been in a sale after that my game improved immensely I got my handicap by putting in three cards two terrible scores of 86 and the good card which was 72 my handicap was then 15 I played in a junior competition and came third in the lower handicap section a week later and played in a medal and came down to a handicap of 14 .
18 President Abdou Diouf announced on April 7 that he was appointing the president ( Speaker ) of the National Assembly , Habib Thiam , as Prime Minister , a post which had been in abeyance since 1983 , shortly after Thiam 's removal from it [ see p. 32180 ] .
19 In response to the Berlin crisis American B-29s bombers were deployed at bases which had been under development since 1946 .
20 The biggest loss I recorded was 11oz in a 9lb 5oz bream which had been in a keepnet for nine hours .
21 UPH 's shareholders may wonder why Desmond spent £4.4m of their money on a site which had been on offer for £2.7m .
22 Anyway , ’ his gaze shifted slightly and his tone grew harder , as if he regretted the revelation , ‘ he was forced out of business and lost the boatyard which had been in his family for four generations . ’
23 It had at last been able to start building a hall of residence which had been in abeyance for six years , and the Director was underlining that student accommodation was in short supply in Teesside , and ‘ unless something is done by the provision of fiats , hostels , etc. , to supplement the supply of digs , I can see this being a factor which could really inhibit our development ’ .
24 The rules were imposed on privatised companies in the wake of political trouble over the lucrative sale of undervalued assets like British Aerospace 's disposal of Royal Ordnance factories which had been in the public sector for centuries .
25 Back at the Olympik , I looked up a passage in Pascal which had been in my mind earlier in the evening :
26 In fact , it barely sufficed to keep out reconnaissance sorties by the handful of French planes which had been in Verdun at the outset .
27 After reviewing the procedure which had been in force since 1983 , he referred to the decision of the Divisional Court in Ex parte Handscomb and said that he accepted the conclusion of that court : ‘ that there are strong arguments for carrying out this consultation exercise as soon as practicable following the imposition of a discretionary life sentence . ’
28 Like the War Minister , Reitern at the Ministry of Finances accelerated the introduction of changes which had been in the air since 1855 .
29 Once the agreement had been reached the National Front-Left Front grouping withdrew its nomination which had been in support of the outgoing Speaker , Rabi Ray .
30 The party conflict which had been in the process of emerging in England since 1660 , and which had led to the clash between Whigs and Tories during the Exclusion Crisis , continued to develop after the Glorious Revolution , and reached a new height of intensity in the reign of Queen Anne .
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