Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [vb past] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 Days after finding the card which promised so much happiness for the future , Tim learned that his wife and her best friend Elizabeth Over had been beaten and knifed to death , their bodies mutilated .
2 Ultimately , a figure of £2,500 per episode was fixed by the planners , a result which had as much effect on the script side as it did on the production values .
3 the more I worked on it the more it began to evolve into another kind of idea and the more removed it became from my initial study which had so much freedom and energy , so I stopped .
4 She had been disappointed that he showed no love of the poetry and books which meant so much to her , only reading about industrial history and dry facts and figures .
5 The prestigious Antiquaires à Paris group of dealers who specialise in eighteenth-century French furniture albeit with many sidelines is back again this year for the first time since 1986 , although with nothing to compare with the extravagantly decorated and richly stocked collective stand which caused so much jealousy then .
6 As they had in losing to Bath on the day Wales lost to Bridgend , Neath conceded a first-half deficit which proved too much for them to turn over .
7 Quite obviously , the black population which attached so much importance to Johnson in the early years of the century was very different to the one which looked to Ali for leads in the 1960s and 1970s .
8 Well in fact it , it it has in fact gone full circle because through the nineteen fifties you went through to co-ops to collectives to communes which lasted through to nineteen seventy eight , the communes were then disbanded and you 're back , now , after reform which took very much system .
9 And he returned again to the article which symbolised so much , on which he had begun to pin all his hopes .
10 Such an argument would appear , however , to overestimate vastly the potential contribution of the ‘ Eastern hemisphere ’ in the postwar process of adjustment while ignoring the strength of European economic recovery which depended so much on intraregional trade in manufactured goods .
11 Condemned as cowards , deserters , they were shot by their own side in a war which wiped out much of a generation .
12 Curiously enough , it was a sad event which did as much as anything in 1992 to help me put my own worries into perspective .
13 The aristocracies which ruled so much of Europe could still see themselves even in 1914 as in some sense parts of a social order which transcended national boundaries .
14 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
15 John Beatty , managing director of Raleigh Ireland , said it was impossible to think of a bicycle design innovation in the past which had as much impact on the performance and comfort of cycling as full suspension will have .
16 Frankly the lack of a serious commitment to exploring the catastrophic drop in commodity prices which fuelled so much of the ‘ junk money ’ boom is a weakness .
17 Cuts in military spending which absorbed as much as 5 per cent of the gross national product ( GNP ) of developing countries , would constitute the chief source of additional resources .
18 We will restore last year 's training cuts which caused so much damage to training for young people and the unemployed .
19 This inevitably makes MI5 seem impersonal , and hides the varied character traits and prejudices which contributed so much to its ethos and efficiency ( or lack of it ) .
20 These areas of activity are dealt with in detail elsewhere in this report but I am very pleased in this foreword to highlight a most successful year of achievement — a year which owed so much to the inspiration given to use all by those who saved the Nation in 1940 .
21 Although all but a small part of the encircling wall has gone , the older part of the city , with its narrow winding streets which witnessed so much of Scotland 's history , is still clearly separate from the New Town , the two being surrounded by the Victorian and Edwardian developments .
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