Example sentences of "[noun] [that] she did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Looking at Winnie , who , it might be , closed her eyes that she did not see his teeth .
2 There was an expression in his blue eyes that she did not completely understand , ant so she lifted one eyebrow .
3 Except that there was the very disturbing thought lodged somewhere in her mind that she did n't want it to be harmless .
4 Shortly afterwards Miss T. told the midwife that she did not want a blood transfusion .
5 KATRIN KRABBE 'S hopes of avoiding a four-year doping ban received a boost yesterday when it was revealed that influential scientific reports backed up her case that she did not take banned steroids .
6 It brought forth a flood of French until Jenna stopped it with a rather desperate admission that she did not speak the language .
7 She knew in her heart that she did not need drugs , she needed rest , patience and understanding from those around her .
8 With a look that she did n't know what to make of at all , he walked across to the revolving stand that held coats much like the one he was wearing , removed the sign that said ‘ Guaranteed Waterproof ’ , and tore it in half .
9 All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her , but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house , and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out , or that any food was missing .
10 The Under-Secretary of State said in her discussions with the Select Committee that she did not have any examples of evictions , yet the Association of Metropolitan Authorities told us that 24 per cent .
11 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
12 It was an extension — or so I thought — of the tact she had always shown to me as a child that she did n't impose .
13 And yet , tonight , some demon that she did n't understand had driven him to an act she was sure he was now bitterly regretting .
14 How could one not admire a woman so clear as to her needs that she did not care whose flesh she carved her way through , who did not care whose sleep she shattered in the small hours of the dawn ?
15 Now , though , she was seeing a Mickey that she did n't know .
16 Yes , it was Sam had it back off Miss Harker , ’ she concluded with a confidence that she did not feel .
17 She , for her part , was of the opinion that she did not object to Ivan 's insults at all .
18 In addition to ending the uncertainty surrounding her preferred successor , the announcement — made on Aquino 's 59th birthday — finally convinced even the most sceptical commentators that her previous statements that she did not intend to seek re-election for a further six-year term were genuine .
19 But Phoebe had felt a harsh jealousy that she did not like in herself when she realised how well Lisa and Rachel got on : she did not want that .
20 As far as Simon knew , the late-night callouts were an occasional part of the job that she did n't much like , but said that she felt she had to do .
21 The grey eyes shot across to her again , and Alyssia thought with shock that she did n't .
22 Diana bought the 157mph Mercedes in February despite fierce criticism that she did n't choose British .
23 Mother had never mentioned him by name but had been overly gushing , always a sign that she did n't like someone .
24 Anna slept so well that night that she did not notice the arrival of Griselda who , when she woke , was asleep on the pillow next to her face , but out of touching distance .
25 It was clear from her manner that she did n't want company .
26 She tried to ignore the feeling that she did n't want to leave him by telling herself that she must be there if Dana needed her .
27 For the next half-hour Fabia battled with conscience , common sense , and an instinctive feeling that she did n't want to do it — and that it would be a wasted exercise anyway .
28 It may well have been so intended , as it was in the Canadian case of Malette v. Shulman ( 1990 ) 67 D.L.R. ( 4th ) 321 where the Jehovah 's Witness carried a card stating in unequivocal terms that she did not wish blood to be administered to her in any circumstances .
29 I knew she had this little vanity that she did n't like people to see her with her spectacles on .
30 The clash came as Mr Kinnock exploited the apparent contradiction between Mrs Thatcher 's claim that she did not know why Mr Lawson resigned and the former Chancellor 's assertion in last Sunday 's Walden interview that he had made it quite clear to the Prime Minister that Sir Alan Walter 's continued presence as her economic adviser was the only issue .
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