Example sentences of "[noun] [that] are [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Almost all cars that are stolen are reported for the simple reason that that is the only way owners will get insurance compensation ; and insurance is often a major reason for reporting other thefts and burglary .
2 No prices or details of the hardware environments that are supported were given by Versant .
3 One of the few lichens that are spreading is Parmeliopsis ambigua , known to lichenologists as the ‘ yellow peril ’ .
4 Those keywords that are allowed are shown in bold type .
5 The number of air changes per hour that are required is dependent on the stocking density and the effectiveness of the air distribution within the room .
6 Any herbs that are added are also organically produced on the farm .
7 All the sites that are left are those which are better related to the urban areas or where the needs are .
8 Features of the circuit that are analysed are bias , performance of the circuit when used with DC and AC and finally noise .
9 Again , the photons that are exchanged are virtual particles .
10 Any enthalpically adverse van der Waals repulsions , or electrostatic repulsions that are introduced are automatically included in this experimental parameter .
11 If the questions that are asked are of the right kind , then an investigative approach to a topic will automatically ensure that the history attainment targets are met .
12 So the sort of things that are happening are happening everywhere and community care I think could be probably one of the areas that I could talk about at some length if you wanted to later on .
13 There is a problem about investigating the first of these hypotheses in that the dreams that are remembered are presumably the ones that have more logical structure .
14 The figures that have been mentioned er and the danger with figures that are mentioned is that they ca n't be everything to everybody .
15 This is a useful question because it also takes the class towards an understanding that drama is often far more enjoyable if the problems that are raised are not easily solved .
16 Most of the problems that are arising are not just because of the Trusts but because of other things like for instance the contracting process that is proposed , the t the changing in the financing that is incorporated and of course the general under-funding which there is within the N H S. These are far more important problems in the long term .
17 The modern movement for the legislative recognition of ‘ human rights ’ is in fact a movement for the increased control of legislatures by the judiciary , because the human rights that are claimed are couched in such broad terms , and involve so much balancing of one consideration with another , that they inevitably call for much judicial ‘ interpretation . ’
18 The teaching task is to see that the techniques that are used are effective in promoting learning objectives , so they have to be designed to account for specific contexts of instruction .
19 Many of the theories that are published are not really theories of psychological processes at all , but are theories of experimental phenomena .
20 When the chemical reactions very often the two that are produced erm well usually , when you ca , come into reactions and materials that are produced are a mixture of both isomers .
21 Notes on a lesson are often of a vague and impressionistic kind , which makes it almost impossible to draw the kind of inferences needed for our purposes , while those particular instances that are recorded are often atypical , having caught the observer 's attention for that very reason .
22 The games that are supplied are rather poor examples of what should be possible , both the use of graphics and their actual ‘ playability ’ are hardly outstanding .
23 In the second place , the correlations that are produced are merely statements about associations , and tell us nothing about the direction of cause and effect .
24 And the five main points that are covered is whether it 's organized for the benefit of its members , which partly comes into that , but it goes a bit beyond that I think .
25 Babies that are breastfed are less likely to fall victim to gastro-enteritis , respiratory infections and glue ear .
26 The programme is structured in such a way that on-going evaluation is simple and results can be reflected on from time to time by the Family Development Nurse and Community Mother so that the monthly visit to the family which is the main focus of the programme for achieving goals can be adapted to each family 's level and the issues that are discussed are relevant , nonjudgemental , and supportive of the parents ' own ideas and recognises the parents ' desire to do what is best for their children .
27 We 're very conscious of that erm and where , where we offered advice in large places where for instance , where housing where chemicals are stored and all the precautions that are needed are provided and built in , for instance stopping off the drains so that water is contained , providing sloping areas in , in the bottom of warehouses where water does n't come out , erm monitoring it telling people about it .
28 As with the Bar , many local authorities award grants for maintenance , but some do not , and the grants that are made are often inadequate .
29 The ones that are left are lifeless .
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