Example sentences of "[noun] [that] he can [be] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases Nizan is carefully detached from any real ideological involvement in the party , with the result that he can be conveniently presented as a precursor of a non-communist New Left , in opposition either strategically or naively to the totalitarian oppression of the party itself .
2 So many people admire his work that he can be quite careless of the few who do n't .
3 It is an outrage that he can be let out so soon ’ .
4 In such a case the surgeon may lawfully operate , in the knowledge that he can be justified either by consent or by the principle of necessity , whichever is in fact applicable .
5 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
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