Example sentences of "[noun] [that] must be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He denounced democracy as a psychopathic expression of inferiority and compromise as an aberration that must be crushed out of existence .
2 There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations .
3 This chapter reviews the considerations that must be taken into account when selecting a parser for a specific task .
4 There are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account in the selection of a parser .
5 Checks on relationships that must be represented can be executed by examining each card in turn and seeking cards which show related terms .
6 Just as every new policy enters an arena already full of other policies , so every time interrelations imply agency interrelations there is a whole history of relationships that must be taken into account .
7 It is the moral law which governs interpersonal relationships that must be reflected in statute law , suggesting a field of public morality which is the preserve of the state and a field of private morality which is not .
8 This is an area where the concepts of sampling theory , mentioned at the start of this chapter , can again prove useful : sampling schemes can balance these two objectives by determining the minimum labour that must be invested to be satisfied that the correct conclusions have been reached .
9 In applying such a test , no jury should require expert evidence , since it is not the psychological or sociological effect , but the moral effect that must be considered , in accordance with their own experience as responsible adults .
10 The degree of violence that must be proved is the same as that which would substantiate a charge of violent disorder or even riot .
11 He considered that the water supplies were ‘ very good ’ — a term that must be regarded as relative only , since the summit was in fact often short of water and there were , in several years , closures , reductions of tolls and tonnage limits imposed on the Watford to Foxton section , all on account of insufficient water to keep the two flights properly fed .
12 And Eliot is still the massive figure that must be circumvented if we are to see Virgil as having exerted a powerful influence on our modern poetry in ways more partial , devious and oblique than Eliot allowed for .
13 The output produced by the pattern recogniser becomes the data that must be accepted by the first stage of this system .
14 It has been argued that there is a chunk of data that must be retained about each record : Where was the document created ?
15 The delivery process itself is determined by the futures exchange and involves a sequence of steps that must be completed in a specific order and at specific times .
16 But there is also one further condition that must be fulfilled , and this condition has a crucial bearing upon the distinction between meanings and non-meanings .
17 At the same time , it represents a necessary condition that must be fulfilled before any references can be significantly made to non-meanings as ontological existents .
18 We have outstanding wages and other debts that must be met .
19 In other words , mechanization has increased the variety of skills that must be mastered — it has reduced rather than increased the division of labour ( see chapter 2 , section 2.4 on contrasting patterns in other industries ) .
20 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
21 Here in Mixed Life , a text that must be seen in relation to Scale 1 and Scale 2 , Hilton adumbrates the same progress in chapter fourteen : Following Augustinian theology , he locates the very essence of Christian life in the continual sustained desire for God — the only way in this life to perceive the nature of the love which joins God and man 's soul .
22 He can only highlight the atmosphere supporting the plot , especially those circumstances where he has to portray differences between classes and thus general behaviour , idiosyncrasies , etc. , for example the contrast that must be made between the dances for all and sundry in the town square and those for the aristocrats in the ballroom of Romeo and Juliet .
23 Since the poetic structure includes only those elements which evoke a response in the reader , it is this response that must be taken as the analyst 's starting point ; the linguist as such can not tell us what is interesting or important about a work ( ‘ No grammatical analysis of a poem can give us more than the grammar of the poem ’ ( p. 213 ) ) .
24 Much of the certifieds ' training is done by correspondence course and , until the final exams that must be passed in one sitting , they are able to tackle the lower stages over a five-year period , taking one or two at a time .
25 I have discussed four problems of co-ordination that must be solved in any attempt to develop a reasonably comprehensive anaphor resolver : those of co-ordinating ambiguity types , knowledge sources , multiple anaphors , and multiple sources of candidates .
26 A portfolio must be constructed by going long in the security and short in the call options so that , where m is the number of calls that must be written to produce a riskless hedge .
27 The decision that must be made is between a postal questionnaire and some form of face-to-face interview .
28 the grammatical pattern of a language ( as opposed to its lexical stock ) determines those aspects of each experience that must be expressed in the given language .
29 Mr Blair 's plea for the party-political baggage to be abandoned is a precious opportunity that must be grasped , not least by John Major , who just two weeks ago was blaming crime on ‘ socialism ’ .
30 Exploitations of this maxim are , as Grice notes , a little harder to find , if only because it is hard to construct responses that must be interpreted as irrelevant .
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