Example sentences of "[noun] [that] he [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Shiona could see from his eyes that he meant it .
2 Er racking damage , Carrie 's who in bay one and two , came to me this morning and said the the racking that he checks it every morning when he comes at six or wh Six seven , whenever he starts .
3 There is every indication that he believed it to be true , whether it was or not .
4 The blindfolded man has to preempt an attack as soon as he feels it coming by blocking and striking lightly in the direction that he senses it is coming from .
5 However , in some of the cases that he mentioned it appears that there must have been some error , or they would have been dealt with more promptly .
6 They wo n't accept with Charles Wychwood that ‘ everything is copied ’ , and wo n't accept his opinion of Chatterton : ‘ Thomas Chatterton believed that he could explain the entire material and spiritual world in terms of imitation and forgery , and so sure was he of his own genius that he allowed it to flourish under other names . ’
7 Though he showed no very clear signs that he realized it , the Tsar had crossed the Rubicon , carrying the nobility with him .
8 ‘ It was certainly in England that he made it first .
9 With the guilt swept from her mind , Ana seemed to have improved almost overnight and the pleasure on Felipe 's face told Maggie that he saw it too .
10 The Court of Appeal side-stepped having to decide that issue , by holding that the buyer was entitled anyway to rely on section 14(3) ( paragraph 7–19 below ) ; the car was not reasonably fit for the particular purposes ( driving upon the roads in England — in English weather ) for which the buyer had informed the seller that he wanted it .
11 If there was anything she could n't cope with herself she would ask Mossy Rooney , a man of such silence and discretion that he found it hard to reveal his own name in case it might incriminate someone .
12 Where a person is found in possession of recently stolen property it can be presumed by the court that he stole it , in the absence of a satisfactory explanation .
13 He had great hopes for it , and told an American friend that he thought it his best to date .
14 He recorded in his diary that he thought it represented such a threat to the good name of politicians that a special regulatory authority should be set up to stop the BBC ever doing anything so wicked again .
15 It will be shown in a later chapter that there seems to be no evidence to indicate that he held that post before holding the kazaskerlik , while there is positive evidence that he held it after holding the kazaskerlik .
16 Benny realized with a shock that he meant it , and began to have second thoughts .
17 His evidence was that he read the report on the night that he received it and was — as others would have been — shocked to find that the parliamentary statements relating to the government 's support for the Nigerians were demonstrably false .
18 The hon. Member for Garscadden said last week that he finds it incomprehensible that many properties may stay in the same band in perpetuity .
19 Philip White , president and chief executive officer of Informix is so confident about the company 's financial prospects that he says it will be ‘ raising prices . ’
20 Although his initial interest had been aroused because of the connection between current problems and events which may have taken place in a former life , he became so enthralled by the topic that he took it up for its own sake .
21 This unpleasant experience was alleviated by the company of his wife , who also brought with her so many domestic items that he says it was almost as comfortable as being at home !
22 No , no he did n't , he did n't blow it at all no , it 's not on till four twenty this morning er three forty this morning that he blew it in , in the end .
23 So many times he had padded across this bedroom to go to Abigail that he knew it perfectly in the dark , only requiring to hold his hands out before him and , like a blind man , feel the bevelled comer of the wardrobe , the lacquered wicker of a chair back , the top of the radiator , cold at this hour , the glass sphere of the door knob .
24 , Jewish and proud of it , and South African by origin , was an iconoclast in the limited sense that he saw it has his duty within the government and outside to tell people , officials and politicians when he considered that they were wrong .
25 During the time I knew him , he never took acid as he was very much afraid of it , and counselled other people against it in the sense that he felt it might disturb them psychologically , and felt that 's what might happen to him
26 This is no fiction , but a report from the Daily Telegraph of 1864 which so impressed itself upon Ruskin that he reprinted it in red type in Sesame and Lilies : ‘ Be sure , the facts themselves are written in that colour , in a book which we shall all of us , literate or illiterate , have to read our page of , some day . ’
27 There is the rumbling , heard during the election campaign , that his organisation ‘ United We Stand America ’ is far from being the grass-roots citizens ' army that he says it is , more a body tightly controlled by Mr Perot and a handful of lieutenants in Dallas .
28 Frankenstein created a man but he was so disgusted by its sight that he gave it no name .
29 Sandy Pearlman , producer of ‘ Give ‘ Em Enough Rope ’ , so disliked Joe Strummer 's voice that he mixed it more quietly than the drums throughout the album .
30 Eventually at a conference held on the frontier between Gisors and Trie on 6 December 1183 Philip agreed to let Henry keep the Norman Vexin on condition that he paid Margaret an annual pension of 2700 livres and on the understanding that he granted it to whichever of his sons married Alice .
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