Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [verb] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
2 Brittain is always up with the lark and it was a nice piece of work that Needle Gun did under Roberts on the Side Hill woodchip gallops early on Tuesday that makes me select him for the Laburnum Stakes .
3 That was the obsession that made me write this . ’
4 The fear that overtakes me seems to increase as we get closer to the big day .
5 It may be only outsider skepticism that leads me to see a subtle , probably subconscious new emphasis on the word ‘ choice ’ .
6 It was a Frankie Howerd interview that made me realise I do not even want one .
7 Charles told her about his movements on the Sunday night , concluding , ‘ … so it must have been the arrival of Nigel 's car that made me run out of the place . ’
8 But it was actually hearing Duane Allman that made me want to go for a powerful kind of electric sound .
9 ‘ He 's one of the blokes that stops me viring ? ’
10 The dominant tone is of jubilation , not the hysteria that makes me swoon in Prince .
11 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
12 Two years ago , I went on holiday to the States and witnessed scenes in clubs that made me realize women were n't as inhibited as I 'd thought .
13 The humbucker carries a clean sound well , although there 's a hint of midrange that made me go for the coil-tap to keep things sounding sweet .
14 ‘ I came down from Manchester two days ago , to meet my fellow archdeacons , and the Bishop told me of your husband 's application and of course that made me wish to meet him , and to meet you .
15 I think it was her smell that got me started … like the braided loaves fresh from the baker 's oven .
16 Perhaps it was Lanyon 's horror that made me feel like that .
17 It was the cold that forced me to move .
18 I have a folding mac that makes me look like a haystack in the rain , I have an umbrella that would fit most of Dublin under it . ’
19 Cos it was in with the electric bills , and I did n't want that , and that was one of the advantages that made me decide to have here , cos I knew that the heating was in with the rent .
20 On a sea of evening light Páll Helgason steers his boat towards the sun , poking it between stacks and through arches , sometimes into gaps that leave me thinking I can touch the rock walls on either side .
21 Alec wore a navy-blue romper suit — the outfit of a French workman , or indeed that of some little new-wave narcissist at a C. L. & S. screening It was the sight of him in his issued clothing that made me sense just how far he had fallen .
22 Every time they came forward , you expected something to happen ( perhaps It was sitting in the north bank with the Cockney scum that made me think this ! ! ) .
23 But let me make it immediately clear what I mean by this ; what I mean to say is that Miss Kenton 's letter set off a certain chain of ideas to do with professional matters here at Darlington Hall , and I would underline that it was a preoccupation with these very same professional matters that led me to consider anew my employer 's kindly meant suggestion .
24 ‘ I attended various social functions that required me to have a female escort , ’ he said through clenched teeth .
25 I immediately backtracked , and he said with a sorrow that made me feel guilty , ‘ When push comes to shove , nobody wants me . ’
26 Over the weeks that followed I noticed more of them .
27 I have nothing against yesterday 's guitar heroes , indeed it was the Iommi article that caused me to buy your magazine again , but whoever it was in your office who opened up a copy of NME and stuck a pin in it should be encouraged to do so again .
28 Ian is OK — friendly and cheerful — but there 's something about Robert that makes me want to fight him all the time . ’
29 It is a process that allows me to locate myself in a space , to understand a space in terms of my physical movement .
30 And often , as I sat writing such poems that helped me cling to the last shreds of my many identities , I would suddenly sense that you were indeed approaching .
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