Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] that [det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the latter will relate and feed off the wider data base , but good systems development practice says that this should be identified at the outset .
2 Barr says that this will mean repayments of about £88 a month for a London student and that many , finding themselves unable to afford this , will have to extend the repayment period .
3 It should be recognized by those putting forward proposals for joint research projects that these will make demands on our information resources , and that the costs of such usage should form an element in each proposal .
4 Ninagawa feels that this may be easier for a Japanese director .
5 The College proposes that this should apply to a small group of patients who are repeatedly admitted to hospital under sections 3 or 37 of the Mental Health Act 1983 and who require long-term support and supervision in the community , but are known to have a history of failing to co-operate with treatment ’
6 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
7 The programme suggests that these could achieve a 5 per cent share of total vehicle fuel consumption , through the production of 11 million tonnes of fuel per annum from the seven million hectares of land taken out of food crop production under the EC 's agriculture policy .
8 The few references and scraps of information we have about the very early recruits suggests that these may have included more girls of middle-class origin and certainly some from orphanages and boarding-schools — girls sometimes from middle-class families fallen on hard times .
9 It can also thus be the entrée into a further development : Hilton stresses that this may not be part of the natural development of his particular correspondent .
10 Preliminary research suggests that this can improve their chances of recovery , and a four-year study with 2,500 patients is under way .
11 The child understands that these may be exchanged later for a big reward .
12 Yet membership of the ERM means that few can take the appropriate action to stimulate their economies .
13 A council decision to crackdown on late-night drinking means that some will remain open later than others , depending on their zone .
14 Work that has been done on distributed associative memory models suggests that these may be suitable for modelling natural language parsing .
15 Archaeology suggests that this may also have been the case in prehistoric times .
16 Experience shows that this would not be so , as people bent on suicide who are denied one method will choose an alternative .
17 However Ares ' Chairman Rob Friedman says that this will be noticeable only by the typographic elite and that the output is more than acceptable for most publishing applications .
18 Indeed , Wallis argues that these would in fact be most unlikely .
19 Mrs D'Ancona believes that this will allow each museum director to take his own stand on this controversial issue .
20 The evidence shows that this may well be a case in which failures by the ambulance service to provide an ambulance more quickly to a person who was in extremis was a cause of the death which might have been avoidable if the ambulance had been available earlier .
21 Nicolaus speculates that this could give ecologists a method of controlling predation on eggs of rare birds .
22 This work may be representative of much LEA adult education activity with unemployed people , but unfortunately the paucity of action-research evidence means that this must remain a hypothesis .
23 Astronomical evidence suggests that this may have occurred in the first half of the year 5 BC .
24 A dense and no-nonsense text ensures that this will remain the basic general reference work in English , helped by the excellent technical appendices and stunning photographs .
25 Papandreou reckons that this would allow EC governments which already ban or severely limit promotion of the killer weed to block imports of magazines which carry cigarette advertisements .
26 And it is because the new humanity is made up of free men and women that God wishes that all should be saved : his delay in invading the world and bringing an end to history is to allow time for the new humanity to supplant the old .
27 There is a specific power in s20(5) to accommodate young people between the ages of 16 and 21 years in any community home which takes children over the age of 16 if a local authority considers that this would safeguard and promote the child 's welfare .
28 Lindblom 's main point is that where local policy-makers have not made the decisions they will be slow to take action to implement them , and the significant degree of local state autonomy on questions of social policy suggests that this would be a situation easy to envisage .
29 A preliminary trial of the skin patch suggests that this may help some smokers overcome the craving and withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up smoking [ 8 ] .
30 Lodge suggests that this need not happen , if one sees the monologic and dialogic as dominant tendencies rather than mutually exclusive terms .
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