Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Neil adds that they 've collected money for charity up and down the mountains and its restored his faith in human nature
2 Abuelo Freitas said , ‘ Dr Rafaelo wants that you stay . ’
3 I give all the children vitamin drops that I get from the clinic but I sometimes wonder whether they 're really necessary .
4 The barman establishes that we know Eric Gates and asks how his pigeons are getting on .
5 British Rail remains convinced that , the appraisal tests that we have set can be met ; that is to say , for InterCity and for the international services , an 8 per cent .
6 Nonetheless , very considerable experience of using groups for this kind of research shows that they do tend to produce very consistent results , even where different researchers cover the same problem .
7 Given Theorem 2 above , the following theorem shows that we have achieved our objective of completely characterising the semantics of finite programs .
8 Re-examination of volcanic rocks within the NRS shows that they fall into two groups : alkali-olivine basalts of within-plate type , and calcalkali lamprophyres .
9 ( ii ) Eisenstein 's criterion shows that there exist in Q[x] infinitely many prime ( i.e. irreducible ) polynomials of each degree
10 ‘ The biopsy confirms that you have a malignant lymphoma . ’
11 Our future requires that we focus our images on finding ways forward to a possible , tolerable and sharable society instead of wasting our time quarrelling with our allies and colleagues .
12 One of my favourite photograph frames that I have made over the years is a 15-cm ( 6-in ) square piece of card , into the centre of which a heart-shape aperture is cut about 7. 5cm ( 3in ) high .
13 Therefore , equity demands that they share in the total assets .
14 Finally , delegation ensures that you do not fall into the fatal trap of trying to become or seem indispensable .
15 Our Agent advises that we indicate that £25,000 is the lowest acceptable offer and that she pays for the alteration .
16 A life saving operation was hampered because their Jehovah 's Witness religion demands that they refuse blood transfusions .
17 Despite daily bombardment and the desertion on Dec. 28 of three of his most senior ministers , Gamsakhurdia insisted in a series of interviews that he would not engage in negotiations with " terrorists and bandits " or meet opposition demands that he resign .
18 This difficulty in drawing a line between those decisions that are based on expertise and those that are influenced by personal or other non-corporate considerations means that we become suspicious of legal argument .
19 This key indicates that you have completed input .
20 This is perhaps not surprising : their preference for home care at the first interview indicates that they have a stronger commitment to looking after the dementia sufferer than those who said in the first interview that they would prefer institutional care .
21 This high turnover means that they come on to the unemployment register for short periods and so distort the figures .
22 For further details on these events and information on other countries featured in this brochure , Sovereign recommends that you contact the appropriate National Tourist Office who are always pleased to help .
23 The overriding criterion of speed means that they have to be written in a traditional programming language , such as FORTRAN .
24 Released in the US to coincide with the presidential elections , Robbins 's movie demonstrates that we get the politicians we deserve and that democracy is easily eroded .
25 The high-ratio diffs that you require , 3.54:1 , were fitted to the Series III V8 ( the complete axle will fit ) or the crown wheel and pinion from the One Ten will fit your axle .
26 An ill-informed perception of schools suggests that they need to be ‘ protected ’ from the ‘ real ’ and harsh decisions involved in administering employment legislation , school meals , plant and buildings : ‘ they do not understand what we do , the services we undertake on their behalf , in order that they can get on with teaching the children . ’
27 I should like to refer briefly to something in which my right hon. and learned Friend knows that I have a passionate interest .
28 Great-gran knows that I bath her . ’
29 Mu mu my mum says that I 've got to show all receipts at the end of the year and if I have n't got any then she wants it all back , but she 's she can piss off as far that 's concerned !
30 If the council thinks that you have given away or used up savings in order to qualify for , or increase the amount of your benefit they can treat you as still having those savings .
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