Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] not [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The prevalence of this dimension of psychiatric disturbance in institutions has not been reported .
2 It then goes on to look at erm , why agriculture has n't been included in the GATT up until now , and prospects for a solution within the GATT .
3 Now agricultural erm one of the reasons why agriculture has n't been included in the G A T T is because governments right from all sorts of countries have said hands up why agricultural policy , this is a domestic policy , it 's got nothing to do with international trade , right there 's no international dimension to it right , you ca n't come in here and t tell us that we 're erm disbanding these protectionist measures right .
4 There are a number of examples of effective group and cooperative production organisations in rural Europe , but they are not well known , and are often isolated experiments whose replication has not been attempted or has failed .
5 which , like is capable of evoking , will thus be capable of eliciting in spite of the fact that the link has not been trained directly .
6 However , wherever possible , within this firm we aim to be in a position to decide whether to issue proceedings , if an acceptable offer of settlement has not been made , by the end of 12 months .
7 In the 1950s and early 1960s the , then , Ministry of Public Buildings and Works ( now English Heritage ) sponsored the rescue excavation of a considerable number of cemeteries , but the enthusiasm of that support has not been matched by the rate of publication , to the extent that it is very difficult to comment on excavation methods during that period .
8 My argument is yes the maintenance has been increased , my Income Support has n't been increased by a penny
9 Where the privilege arises under the law of the requesting State and the privilege has not been stated in the Letter , the requested authority may ask the requesting authority to confirm whether such privilege or duty exists , in order to safeguard the witness 's interests .
10 Ironically , the only current movie which really is like a classic ghost story has n't been hyped as part of the fad .
11 The question we must ask is why the real story has not been given ?
12 Permission has not been granted for large extensions .
13 This may be a result of impaired gastrointestinal function secondary to poor nutritional status , but the role of achlorhydria in the development of malnutrition has not been investigated .
14 Though solidly on record as a pro-choice champion , the President recently said that a decision has n't been made about abortion services .
15 The judge may be mistaken in his judgment of what the legislature would have chosen , and even if he is right , this hypothetical legislative decision has not been announced in advance , so the ideal of protected expectations has in that way been compromised .
16 More than a balancing exercise is required and the decision has not been followed in another case before this court : see Reg. v. Parole Board , Ex parte Wilson [ 1992 ] Q.B .
17 So far the question of what exactly constitutes biological inequality has not been answered .
18 Despite great advances in differential diagnosis and management of urinary incontinence in the past 25 years the handicap that it imposes on the sufferer has not been explored to any extent , nor has the way in which help has been sought and the effectiveness of such help .
19 With observation that the primary sufferer has not been helped by the previous well-meaning actions of the family member while at the same time the life of the family member has definitely been harmed by various attempts to help or control the disease of the primary sufferer .
20 In times past , Shiptonthorpe has not been lacking in interesting characters .
21 But that plea has not been accepted by the crown .
22 The doubts that now exist over costings will be seized upon by opponents of reform who continue to argue that the case for change has not been made .
23 It is evident that change has not been achieved as rapidly as desired , and to a large extent it is for this reason .
24 Such large-scale , apparently planned and organised , land division has not been suggested before , but other examples are now being identified .
25 THE general election in Spain on June 6th will be the first since 1979 in which the winner has not been known in advance .
26 ( Wendy is brought up from the hold and sees at a glance that the deck has n't been scrubbed for years . )
27 The flat rate addition will be expressed as a percentage but , as the formula for calculating it and the figure itself have yet to be agreed with the European Commission , the amount of the addition has not been announced .
28 While television coverage has not been monitored in the same way as the press in this study , there seems an increasing focus in television on sexual cases where there are thought to be many victims .
29 Since the citation counts here refer only to the thesis itself , and not to derived publications , this particular difficulty has not been encountered , but a citation count on derived publications would have given inaccurate results , as shown in the earlier discussion on joint publication of papers related to research topics .
30 Brooklands ' aviation heritage has not been forgotten , it forms an integral part of the ‘ atmosphere ’ at the Museum .
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