Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [be] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Intel Corp has been less than enthusiastic about the future of its i860 — getting the 80586 into battle readiness in such a short space of time has taken up much of the company 's research and development resources in any case .
2 and er , I get on the courses is the fact that that is very good attendance sort of thing for you to see T N T Express has been rather than a depot .
3 A great deal of effort has been put into making sure that what the examiner requests has been clearly and unambiguously stated .
4 The Law Society , though not the courts , will hold a solicitor personally liable ( as a matter of professional conduct ) on an undertaking given by him on behalf of a third person unless any such liability has been sufficiently and clearly disclaimed .
5 In past decades the roof void in most houses has been just that : a black , dusty hole in which to dump unused goods out of sight .
6 So it 's been no different dying through time , the counsel has been there because Jehovah knows that we 're all of falling flesh are n't we ?
7 This is an area in which young people 's enthusiasm has been well and truly aroused at school .
8 Jones 's book remained untouched on the shelves of Northumbria 's modest library in its first two years , even though it had good reviews ; and the influence of his research has been all but negligible .
9 Farmlands are surrounded by wonderful , heather-covered moorlands , although one is never far from the sound of the sea ; and Orkney has been home and haven for wanderers for thousands of years .
10 Why do many people stay on the farms , with the result that this migration has been less than normal for the UK ?
11 Where a child has been seriously and deliberately injured by his parents the court may consider that a care order would still be in his best interests although a suitable placement can not be found immediately .
12 The variation in salinity at a depth of 1,600m has been less than standard deviations from the 1975–78 mean .
13 The so this alleyway has been here since at least sixteen ninety , probably rather earlier when the house began to go down the drain as it were , down the plughole .
14 Where the information supplied to the Council has been less than adequate , discussions at meetings between representatives of bodies and the Council 's members and officers have been helpful in enabling the Council to obtain more of the information it wishes to have to assist it in determining the grant offer .
15 Certainly the extent of response from the public in lobbying their MPs and sending petitions to Parliament or the MoD has been above and beyond anything that the mandarins could have expected .
16 Once the presence of a carcass has been directly or indirectly detected , they glide down to it rapidly , and large numbers of vultures are thus enabled to assemble in a short time .
17 The price of low category security has been more than some inmates wanted to pay at Springhill Prison in Buckinghamshire .
18 The actual rate of completion per annum over the last 27 years has been less than one half of one percent … thus even at several times the projected rate of progress , the great bulk of the conservation task will be incomplete at a time when the most vigorous additional demand is placed on land from massive upsurge of population .
19 In keeping with that statement growth in undergraduate numbers over the past few years has been less than 1 per cent a year .
20 The Socratic-critical spectator finds miracles on stage arbitrary or childish ; and , in fact , most of us in the modern world are incapable of feeling any myth as a credible reality unless it is mediated through the abstractions of scholarship : our own mythology has been all but destroyed .
21 In short , if agriculture is judged by the criteria of performance applied to manufacturing industry , there is every reason to argue that its output has been artificially and substantially inflated for the whole period since 1950 .
22 The hon. Gentleman has been more than usually maladroit in his choice of example .
23 The rational expectations hypothesis challenges macroeconomists of widely differing outlook to re-examine the short-run dynamics of their respective models so as to check that no assumption of irrational behaviour has been implicitly or inadvertently embedded within the structure of the model .
24 2 But since the rise of structuralism in the sixties Marxist criticism has been more and more on the defensive .
25 Any disappointment he may feel over the delay has been more than compensated for by the news that tickets for this year 's event are already selling fast .
26 Indeed , the relationship has been more than mere friendship , but one of familial depth .
27 Under the Act it is possible for the purchaser to seek a court order against the vendors and the amount recoverable from any person shall be such as the court holds is just and equitable .
28 To suppose that this century can fix the definition of democracy or , even more arrogantly , that it is in this century that democracy has been finally and definitively realized , is to be blind not only to the probabilities of the future but also to the certainties of the past .
29 Some companies never go to the new issues market , and it has been calculated that ‘ in the past decade , in no single year have ordinary share issues accounted for as much as 10 per cent of the sources of capital funds , and the average has been less than half that amount ’ .
30 Unfortunately , this admirable attempt to streamline this vital area has been all but defeated by the bafflingly thick four bolt neck plate .
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