Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [pron] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
2 Paul 's verdict : ease of use and good performance in sheltered conditions are this stove 's good points — and the propane/butane fuel mix makes it suitable for colder seasons .
3 Amelia 's condition makes it painful for her to be touched , but she and the other incurably ill and disabled children had no trouble touching the hearts of the DisneyWorld staff who helped make their visit truly the trip of a lifetime .
4 Their versatility and light weight makes them attractive for backpacking — albeit at a price .
5 The quality of the printing is very high although the restricted paper width makes it unsuitable for wordprocessing and other serious uses .
6 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
7 Task format and quiz with key makes it suitable for private study and for use by non-specialist teachers .
8 Moreover , the complex nature of many frauds makes it difficult for the police to prepare a sound case .
9 In addition to the fact that multiple complexes with defined stoichiometries can be mapped simultaneously , this in gel procedure circumvents the limitations imposed by the aforementioned factors , whereas its inherent advantages renders it ideal for methylation protection analysis of non-abundant and/or kinetically labile complexes .
10 The letter , from Oxfordshire County Council 's engineering department , said : ’ I understand you are the owner of the vehicle involved and therefore must inform you that the council holds you responsible for the costs of repairs arising from this incident . ’
11 To maintain public confidence in the ability of the press to regulate itself , the Press Council believes it necessary for proprietors or publishers ‘ to give a positive commitment to uphold the principles stated in the council 's declarations of principle and in the code of practice ’ .
12 The present situation in Russia makes it impossible for the centre to control this process .
13 On an application for any interim relief under subsection ( 1 ) the court may refuse to grant that relief if , in the opinion of the court , the fact that the court has no jurisdiction apart from this section in relation to the subject-matter of the proceedings in question makes it inexpedient for the court to grant it .
14 The Riding Establishment Act makes it compulsory for riding schools to hold a licence which is issued after annual inspections .
15 The Act makes it possible for the properties to be transferred from the local authorities to housing associations , tenant co-operatives , or private landlords .
16 The act makes it unlawful for an employer to ‘ limit , segregate or classify an employee in any way that would deprive that employee of job opportunities or adversely affect employment status because of their age . ’
17 The lack of clarity in the concept of care management leaves it ripe for projection .
18 This myth is believed all over the world despite the fact that the weight of the armour makes it impossible for the clam to close rapidly .
19 WordStar makes it easy for you to add up numbers in a document .
20 It has already been noted that interactions between infant and adult lead to the development of pre-verbal communicative exchanges in which adult and child are able to refer to objects and events ; successful joint reference makes it possible for these external objects and events to become ‘ topics ’ for further exchanges .
21 To develop strategic plans more accurately , the Detailed Spectrum Investigation team considers it wise for CEPT administrations to carry out their own investigation on a national basis .
22 The banning of one-party committees or sub-committees makes it difficult for political groups to develop policy with the benefit of officer advice .
23 My conclusion makes it unnecessary for me to proceed further upon the natural justice argument .
24 When considering the armament of your Goblins remember arming them up with light armour and fancy weapons makes them expensive for what they are .
25 It was announced that Mrs Ann Lucas has resigned as Minutes Secretary since her new job makes it difficult for her to travel from Aberystwyth for committee meetings .
26 The relentless struggle of the workers against unemployment and hunger in times of peace as in times of war makes it vital for them to organise for the overthrow of the capitalist system and for the establishment of the Socialist Commonwealth .
27 In addition , bail may also be denied if the court thinks it necessary for the defendant 's own protection , if there has been insufficient time to enable the court to obtain enough information to reach a decision , or if the defendant has previously failed to answer to bail .
28 That lack of leadership makes it difficult for him to do other than cavil at our figures .
29 Competition among the owners of a particular resource may tend to force its price downwards ; those owners for whom its sale involves the greater sacrifices will tend to drop out of the race as the falling price makes it worthwhile for them to sell only fewer and fewer units of the resource .
30 It may be that the draconian and secret nature of the procedure makes it unattractive for smaller firms : perhaps where there are as few as three partners , some check on its exercise should be incorporated in the partnership agreement .
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