Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [vb pp] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 If two such solutions were displayed as in Fig. 24.2(b) , the overall impression given would be the same ; however , sufficiently long after initiation , the times at which the changes of level occurred in the two solutions would be totally uncorrelated .
2 No doubt Eliot 's own fears and uncertainty were compounded when in June a bomb fell upon the offices of Faber and Faber ( fortunately , he was not up on the roof at the time ) .
3 ‘ In Basildon only 32 out of 8,000 homes were sold and in Scotland where it has been running for two years only 223 out of 6,000 tenants have bought houses .
4 The applicants in the main proceedings observed in limine that ( a ) 36 of their 95 fishing vessels were part of the United Kingdom fleet during the period 1973 to 1978 ( the reference period for the allocation of the quotas which were introduced in January 1983 ) ; ( b ) 85 of those 95 vessels were registered and in use as British fishing vessels by January 1983 , and ( c ) of those 85 vessels , 42 had always been British flag vessels and 43 were ex-Spanish flag boats which had transferred to the British flag before 1983 .
5 The wheel was removed and in its place still stands a turbine .
6 On the one hand , it seemed clear from the studies in five authorities that the Act 's emphasis on partnership was recognised and in general accepted .
7 The supremacy of equity was established though in the next eighty years this supremacy was by no means unchallenged .
8 Branson was told that in the week in which the Sex Pistols might have been expected to reach number one the BPI had issued an extraordinary secret directive to the British Market Research Bureau , who compiled the charts , that all chart-return shops connected with record companies should be dropped from the weekly census of best-selling records .
9 Under the Tudors the age-old practice of making a will spread down the social scale ; far more wills were made than in earlier times , even though the custom was still restricted to a minority of the population .
10 The link with crime found by Eysenck was that when prisoners were tested for extroversion , more extroverts were found than in the general population .
11 The name Leconfield derives from Llecen-Fylliad , meaning ‘ the flat stone in the gloomy shade ’ , and its enclosed area was the sacred theatre in which rites of initiation into druidical mysteries were solemnized and in which aspirants performed their probationary noviciates .
12 On the manors themselves new barns , halls , and chapels were erected and in the house at Canterbury , Eastry renovated the choir and chapter house .
13 The colour reproduction was inaccurate , and the screen refresh rate was too slow , so that the mouse pointer was lost while in motion .
14 In 1902 Lisboa CC was formed and in common with other cricket clubs played soccer in the off season .
15 In 1904 the first Pan-Presbyterian Council was held and in 1905 the Baptist World Alliance was formed at Exeter Hall .
16 The danger of criticizing the appointment of particular judges was shown when in June 1980 a Belfast jury awarded £50,000 damages to a Northern Ireland county court judge for a libel contained in an article in the Economist suggesting that his appointment had been based , as The Times put it in a leading article , not so much on his ability but on the fact that he was a Roman Catholic .
17 Since her father had not stipulated the exact time when they were to ride , Artemis was dressed and in the stables at first light lest she miss her treat by being late .
18 With a response rate of seventy eight per cent the A D F F survey reveals that in eighty two per cent of the eighty four authorities that replied , budget reductions were planned and in a further eight per cent a standstill budget was expected .
19 TWO members of a Granada TV news team were robbed while in the US to film Laura before she and her parents left for home .
20 The surgical team were scrubbed and in Theatre ready , but Andrew Barrett , the paediatrician , was waiting for them as they pulled up .
21 It reverted to being a draught animal in many places , losing its beef productivity , though in some areas its old milking abilities were encouraged and in due course the dairies of Cheshire came to rely on Longhorn milk for cheese-making ; from 1839 onwards Longhorns were frequently winning major beef prizes too , right through to the 1880s .
22 The automation thus de-skilled the job both in terms of how the job was classified and in terms of how much knowledge was required to do it .
23 A point was made that in the morning the S.M.T. service 281 from Kirknewton to Edinburgh is routed via East Calder .
24 The results were striking , especially when bright colour decoration was added as in the Cathedral of S. Basil in Moscow ( 249 ) which represents the culmination of the Byzantine style in Russia and shows also how far Russian Byzantine forms had diverged from Constantinople and the West .
25 In 1892 , the school managers ’ book reveals that the infant classroom was enlarged and in 1893 the ‘ excellent master 's house ’ was built by public subscription at a total cost of £613.7.3d .
26 His confidence was justified and in mid June he is home at 61 Shelgate Road and their correspondence becomes a thin trickle of notes and letter-cards as they make arrangements to meet when Helen was free from her work .
27 CAT activity of cell extracts was assayed as in ( 36 ) and typical results of several experiments are shown in A .
28 Alida went round to the far side of the great bed , the unseemly bed , in which her mother 's shrunken body was lost as in a great sea .
29 The importance of punishment in the community was restated but in such a way that electronic tagging was seen as a tough option .
30 In 1903 a hair room was erected and in 1905 a chemical laboratory .
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