Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [adj] [conj] with " in BNC.

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1 The prunes were good but with three extra stones in the juice Christopher wondered who might have been there before him .
2 Signora Puglia was convinced that with more lessons I could take the examination for the higher school in Parma , the Scuola Media .
3 All samples contained detectable material in assays using LW60 ; in general , concentrations measured with this antibody were higher than with the other antibodies , and in particular there were higher concentrations in tumour compared with normal tissue extracts .
4 Mary was married but with her husband 's cooperation dedicated her life to God .
5 Yet flights were expensive and with company headquarters deep in Wales , connections were difficult .
6 The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in a clump of sage .
7 The sea was calm , the sky was blue and with the sun beating on the tent it was almost too warm to zip up my sleeping-bag .
8 These few words of Bishop Samson make the whole affair a matter of business-like common sense , more in keeping with the way in which government was developing than with Anselm 's grand and simple principles .
9 His voice was soft but with a hard mechanical edge like a speak-your-weight machine , and he said ‘ men ’ like his friends said ‘ General ’ .
10 His hair was grey but with a trace of red hair remaining in his bushy eyebrows .
11 Some of the industry recognized that change was due and with various degrees of enthusiasm were prepared to go along with such proposals .
12 WP Yes , but South Korea started from a nil base so far as industrialisation was concerned and with labour costs not much above peasant-subsistence level .
13 Subjects given pre-exposure to the CS in the test context ( group LI same in the figure ) acquired the CR slowly compared with the control group for whom the CS was novel and with a group of subjects ( LI diff ) that had experienced the CS previously in a different context .
14 His half-smile was rueful as with deliberate intention he smoothed his palm over her taut nipples , starting a wild drumming somewhere inside her .
15 He next proceeded to Oxford where his initial reception was unenthusiastic but with great patience Linnaeus expounded his method of classification and nomenclature to Dillenius , first occupant of the Chair of Botany , founded by William Sherard at the University .
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