Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [coord] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Newsletters produced by computer user groups and societies also offer useful information on software .
2 He made his partner change roles and positions constantly , every few minutes , until they hardly knew which body was which , which was giving and which was taking .
3 To take a specific example , Lemert 's ( 1958 ) study of cheque forgers found that they had not , typically , associated with other cheque forgers or people favourably disposed towards it ; cheque forgery had not been handed down from some primeval inventor .
4 Clean inlet strainers and outlets once a week ( more , if required ) and all tubing should be cleared of obstructive algae and detritus with a propriety hose brush every few months .
5 Yet it was just here that friction and innovation entered , for since the eleventh century church theorists — theologians and particularly canon lawyers — and successive popes had been claiming for the clergy immunities and privileges quite distinct from lay expectations .
6 The most relevant aspect of his advice concerns ‘ rural tourism ’ as one inevitable relationship between government and the rural people , which introduces biases in development programmes in which the poorer are neglected because they are inescapably the most remote and difficult to reach ; and in which university education and professional training blinker and condition researchers and planners so that they see problems of poverty in terms of their own specialisation and through filters of supposedly superior knowledge and status .
7 But he wants doctors to learn more rigorously how to assess the effects of their treatment , borrowing , for example , a scheme from Harvard in which qualified doctors receive full training in research methods and statistics so that they can evaluate their work .
8 What seems plain maltreatment at the time could look rather different in the quiet surroundings of a tribunal or courtroom months or years later .
9 Lacerations and puncture wounds to the following areas should be treated with great caution as there are vital organs , blood vessels and nerves close to the surface — the face , neck , chest , abdomen , and back .
10 Ralf Wastie and Charles Luker stalwarts and fathers respectively to Audrey and Tom Luker .
11 From Jan 1 agrochemical salesmen and advisers currently BASIS qualified will be eligible for membership of the register .
12 It carries Archive staff news and announcements , news on other data organisations and archives worldwide , one or more feature articles on research carried out using data sources , full details of selected new acquisitions as well as a complete listing with brief details of all new acquisitions , a diary of forthcoming events , and a book review section .
13 Then there 's the feller out a band called The Blossom Souls , who did one great psychedelic album years and years ago , and Colin Moulding with XTC and The Dukes Of Stratosphear — his stuff is great .
14 Many haberdashers , drapery stores and knitting shops too , stock beads and sequins nowadays so there 's little reason not to have some around and that is the secret of adding beads .
15 If can recall to this day a book I had for review years and years ago in which the hero swaggered into a smart London nightclub , ordered a magnum of champagne and drank it down .
16 If it is thought that there are some similarities between country A and country B in the market for microcomputers or car telephones or videocameras etc , a multinational company can analyse its market expenditures within both countries , comparing the effectiveness of these expenditures in each country .
17 But Eve Pearce is magnificently anguished and smothering as Henny ( this is the kind of mother whose ‘ I do n't want to burden you with my problems ’ sounds as convincing as ‘ I am not a crook ’ did when it come from the lips of Richard Nixon ) , and Debora Weston flutters and fences vivaciously as the girlish killer and literary know-all .
18 Shepherd , more than any other contributor to this section , draws attention to the extent to which current efforts in the geographic information management field are constrained by the highly fragmented nature of both data suppliers and users both in sectoral and spatial terms , the great diversity of data sets in varying formats and the difficulties presented by institutional factors such as copyright provision , data ownership and the control of access to data .
19 In combination , the two data sources and techniques probably provide the latest sate-of-the-art in direct marketing .
20 In this study relatives and friends generally thought conditions in the home were ‘ good ’ rather than ‘ not so good ’ , although a number of their comments and descriptions indicate that circumstances were sometimes far from ideal and analysis of respondents ' views of the quality of life suggest that the initial period after admission may be particularly stressful for residents .
21 It brings them together with research sponsors and customers as well as with business and government economists .
22 If banks or outside rescuers are to be involved then they will want to know the long term prospects and objectives so these can not be ignored .
23 Regulatory volume decrease ( RVD ) and regulatory volume increase ( RVI ) are typically achieved by activation of plasma membrane ion transport systems , which result ultimately in loss or gain of cell electrolytes and water respectively .
24 Furthermore , as Binder ( 1982 , p. 38 ) notes , discussions of CCLGF issues between leading association members and ministers often take place on a party political level outside the formal council .
25 Denis Smith says there 's nothing he likes better in life than winning football matches and victory tomorrow will delight him
26 Newly elected Welsh Secretary John Redwood MP addressed CIOB members and guests recently at the 14th Duke of Edinburgh Lecture .
27 Essentially viceroy of the newly conquered lands , his position suggests the confidence which Edward placed in him ; and he may have had some influence , as his Savoyard friends and kinsmen certainly did , on the design of the castles by which Wales was to be held down .
28 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
29 so i , car radios and things like that the reception will be constant wherever you are because you do n't get any noise .
30 Chairman and chief executive William Donaldson says : ‘ Not all the quality companies in the world are US companies , nor are all US accounting standards and practices necessarily the only way of approaching disclosure . ’
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