Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [be] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Federal budget requests are just that : requests .
2 and the RAF lads were there and
3 Moreover , taking into account under-diagnosis and under-reporting , the WHO estimated that the cumulative global total of AIDS cases was more than 1,500,000 , while at least 8,000,000-10,000,000 adults and 1,000,000 children had probably contracted the AIDS virus ( HIV ) .
4 When expected cell frequencies were less than 5 Fisher 's exact test was used .
5 The development of study skills was implicitly or explicitly part of every proposal made for inclusion in the ESSE/L Project , and as we have seen , the major thrust of recent inservice developments has been in this area .
6 The traditional leather-trimmed wheel and large round instrument dials are just as you remember them .
7 CERAMIDE Time Complex Capsules are dermatologically and clinically tested — contain no preservatives and are fragrance free .
8 Russian sources have recently been making it clear that once current investment projects are up and running Cuba will get little more direct financial assistance .
9 The padded fabric varieties are well and truly childproof — and look very attractive .
10 But now to reality , for the ‘ classic ’ carp fishing days are all but dead .
11 In the shops things were much as usual because wholesalers and suppliers were still using existing stocks .
12 But the days of aimlessly wandering on enemy beaches were over and specific targets could be raided despite their defences : targets the scientists and planners calculated as most likely to influence the war .
13 If people are fit to work , they are fit enough to cycle five miles ( on average , 74 per cent of all car journeys are less than five miles ) .
14 We can stir in the other two data sets , taking Poisson noise only as the null hypothesis ; again , the probability that power-law and/or Poisson noise explains all the data sets is less than 5% .
15 The interval between taking and freezing the biopsy specimens was less than 30 minutes .
16 But what is of crucial importance in the account thus far is that these action types are syntactically and semantically unstructured .
17 Okay so , income elasticities are less than one for agriculture , whereas they 're greater than one for manufacturing er , much less scope to differentiate in agricultural products , much more scope to differentiate in manufactured goods .
18 The window blinds were down and he had a feeling that he was behind the scenes in a theatre .
19 Erm , the carol festivals are on and there 's one at Thaxted , which might be quite nice , actually , erm it 's on the same page , the previous column And someone 's just taken a driving test at ninety one .
20 In 1984 the total payments made by insurance companies for household thefts was more than £200m .
21 The benefit of favourable exchange rates was more than offset by the adverse impact of weaker precious metal prices , particularly rhodium ( see page 21 ) .
22 the Beverley sisters were on and they said they used to wear very daring clothes and the B B C banned them from showing their navels , cos you 're not supposed to show your navel on television and you could n't say the word , oh yeah Lonnie Donegan was on and he said that he was banned from singing this song er in eighty forty was such a little drip and in it he says we beat the bloody British and they would n't let him sing that because he swore so he had to sing we beat the ruddy British
23 I mean I think you and say that you know I mean I think test matches are simply because you know over time , you know people are in to the one day cricket match , be the excitement and everything else and it 's getting increasingly more difficult for television companies to get sponsorship , commercial sponsorship for
24 Successful committee members are properly and thoroughly prepared for the meetings they attend .
25 Other committee members were in and out of the new Law Centre , holding meetings , planning strategy , contacting people with wide experience of the sort of situation they found themselves in , and collating information .
26 The girl has been in a council children 's home and with foster parents since being made a ward of court .
27 Sun Microsystems is apparently considering taking back every nasty thing it ever said about X terminals and entering the business .
28 Erm there are networks throughout the U K and Europe erm for my company and I have to make sure that er all the telecommunication systems are up and running .
29 Only 7 per cent of machine tools were less than five years old , and under one-third less than ten .
30 ‘ Clearly the authorities know the rape camps are there and what they 're being used for .
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