Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] been on " in BNC.

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1 Tory Derek Lamberth said closure plans had been on the agenda for two years .
2 Earlier this week , he asked how effective the flood defences had been on February 20 and what changes to policy , investment programme and evacuation procedures were planned .
3 Managers have not , on the whole , been predisposed to numerically oriented analysis , clinicians have not pushed for cost or outcome data preferring to focus upon patient care processes and cash inputs have been on the basis of fairly crude recurring allocations .
4 Lotus Notes has been on the market for some time , and is already being used by many of the world 's largest companies .
5 ‘ Hot metal ’ glue guns have been on the d-i-y market for some time .
6 Hundreds of staff at polytechnic and further education colleges have been on strike in a protest over pay .
7 However , the most striking developments in welfare services have been on the delivery side rather than the personal counselling aspect .
8 Does the Minister recognise that the question of loan sharks has been on the agenda for the past 12 years , but that nothing positive has occurred other than the report to which he referred ?
9 The pick of Britain 's finest Hereford beef cattle has been on sale today .
10 Two well known New York galleries have been on the move .
11 Soviet strikes point to crisis of morale that threatens future of perestroika Broadcasts of parliament get more viewers than Agatha Christie films It is the first November 7 since the revolution that coal miners have been on strike .
12 It is , as far as can be remembered , the first November 7 since the revolution that coal miners have been on strike — the very core of the working class who made the revolution possible .
13 A quarter of the country 's coal miners have been on strike for three weeks demanding the resignation of President Mikhail Gorbachev , the dissolution of the Soviet parliament and the transfer of power to the Federation Council , composed of the elected leaders of the 15 republics .
14 Two of the police surgeons had been on holiday and the third , Doctor Maingay , who did a locum for her father 's old practice when needed , had not been available until Sunday morning .
15 Already since April 11 railway workers in western Georgia and dockers at the Black Sea ports had been on strike in protest at the presence of Soviet troops in the troubled South Ossetia region .
16 Anti-terrorist squad officers have been on maximum alert for several months and have been expecting ‘ a spectacular ’ IRA bomb in the run-up to Christmas .
17 Employees of the publicly owned public transport company EAS had been on indefinite strike since July 23 and the army had been running a reduced transport service in the capital .
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