Example sentences of "[noun] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Christine is continuing her collection and asks us to tell all knitters in the Crewe/Stoke-on-Trent area that two wool shops near you have offered to collect full or part cones in good , clean condition .
2 ‘ Your maw didnae tell you aboot smokin' either .
3 Oxfam aid workers say they 've become the new targets in the war in Somalia .
4 EPA officials say they do n't know who prepared what 's come to be known as the EPA 's hit-list .
5 The cafe owners say they 've never caused an accident .
6 Opposition leaders say they want an early general election .
7 Milton Keynes police believe they know who his killer is … and with more help from the public they 'll be able to make an arrest .
8 Regular handling and fondling of the young animals helps ensure they grow up into docile but nonetheless bold animals .
9 Poly administrators say they do n't want any more disruption like that and they 've agreed to talks .
10 IBM Corp has a less than impressive record in turning developments in its laboratories into commercial products , but perhaps that will change when an outsider is installed at the helm , and IBM researchers say they have developed a polymer film that can capture and hold vast amounts of data in the form of hologram images at speeds 100 to 1,000 times faster than current Winchester disk drives .
11 All legal insurances and many household policies give you access to legal advice and emotional counselling through free telephone helplines .
12 Scum fans claim they 've now got the best pitch in the Premiership .
13 Broadcasting Standards Council Broadcasters accept they have to live with the new watchdog .
14 But council officials say they 've done as much as they can to protect their female staff .
15 Council officials feel they 've done all they can to protect their staff .
16 Barnes officials say they expect to send about eighty paintings from one of the world 's finest collections of Post-Impressionist and early modern art to tour four museums : the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , a museum in Tokyo , the Musée d'Orsay in Paris , and the Philadelphia Museum of Art .
17 After five year 's research , the USGs geologists reckon they know what happened in California .
18 got , got fair old rugby players interested I think .
19 Pub landlords say they face bankruptcy because they 're being fined thousands of pounds by their brewery for failing to meet sales targets .
20 Although only six per cent of 18 to 19-year-old pub goers say they prefer a congenial publican , putting the availability of real ale at the top of their list , a friendly welcome becomes markedly important as drinkers get older. ,
21 This being the case , it 's hardly surprising that the bucket seats grip you like a pair of pliers , that the suspension shakes your spine on potholed surfaces and that the engine noise makes a stereo unnecessary , even if one was provided .
22 Four-fifths of course participants believe they conform to the ideal : they 're soon disabused by their peers
23 The tax authorities insisted they put the women on the payroll .
24 Butler-Sloss LJ said that the meaning of the words " trade secrets " had developed since Herbert Morris v Saxelby and was now interpreted in the wider context of " highly confidential information of a non-technical or non-scientific nature … " . 1.4 The employee 's skill and knowledge Although the courts are anxious to uphold the employer 's right to have his business secrets protected they have ensured that the employee is not prevented from using , once he has left his employer , the general skill and knowledge which he has acquired during employment even though this may have been acquired at some cost to the employer .
25 There is a tendency for church planting groups to assume they know best what is liturgically best for that area and , sometimes , out of the window goes any recognizable Anglican liturgy with the incumbent who , unrobed and in open-necked shirt , introduces the choruses in front of the now universal overhead projector …
26 and even if they did buy without a solicitors assistance , what was the system about sending them the letter which we 've looked at earlier which is at erm D one , five , two , remember this is the letter that goes to Mr solicitors assuming you get a very rare person who does his or her own conveyance
27 HP claims that 7100-based business servers running it provide commercial users with the industry 's fastest uniprocessor server performance on TPS-A benchmarks .
28 These business obligations made her feel impatient and frustrated : she would have preferred to spend her time working m her cosmetics business .
29 A review involving cost-benefit analysis of around 400 sets of health and safety regulations to ensure they do not impose unreasonable burdens on business was announced .
30 Business chiefs demanded they set an example and take a pay cut .
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