Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Using a CRAY X-MP supercomputer in the late 1980s , BP exploited oil reservoir simulations in its North Sea operation .
2 Like a cat with its prey , Microsoft has been toying with its competition , threatening to hang a predatory $99 introductory price on the stuff ( UX No 413 ) .
3 Given this premise , we should not be surprised to find the police are in the forefront of support for proposals such as the introduction of identity cards ; it was not surprising to find the 1988 Superintendents ' Association conference not only supporting this motion , but arguing for the creation of twenty-four hour armed patrols throughout the country and making a plea for a national motorway squad .
4 Will Labour policy on the NHS mean that patients get treatment even before they fall ill ?
5 A DRAMATIC improvement in safety standards earned Performance Fabrics , Littleborough , the first award of 1993 in a Team Safety competition run by Courtaulds Aerospace Advanced Materials in the UK .
6 It not only offers chefs total control in the kitchen , but also has the added advantage of being a more flexible , practical and energy efficient alternative to conventional cookers — points that will please the person responsible for the finances .
7 The Money Advice Funding Working Party under the chairmanship of Lord Ezra agreed that existing services were not capable of coping with the demand for advice .
9 Bogdan was brought to Teesside from Romania by Convoy Aid Romania suffering water on the brain .
10 He was brought to this country by Convoy Aid Romania suffering water on the brain and was operated on by neurosurgeon Fred Nath in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
11 In late March tripartite talks between the government , car manufacturers and trade unions ended in a historic agreement whereby the price of cars was reduced by 22 per cent on the domestic market and the unions agreed to wage increases tied to monthly rates of inflation in return for pledges of job security .
12 Ten asymptomatic patients who had had short segment colonic interposition of the oesophagus two to 20 years previously for undilatable peptic stricture , underwent ambulatory manometric recordings in their short colonic segments .
13 Why do they all wear fur lined anoraks with the hood up at all times ?
14 Also with an eye to providing user friendly service to the community , the shop stays open until 9 p.m .
15 This is not to say that the National Executive Committee of the ruling party allows Nyerere total control of the party and therefore of government policy ; in fact there have always been a number of important policy issues which Nyerere has had to argue through the NEC and which he has not always won .
16 Almost the reverse of Ventura , it allows the user total control over the production of each page but still allows limited automation of the process with tags and templates .
17 The painstaking work on the wreck undertaken by the amateur Chelmsford Sub-Acqua Club over the last twelve years will be the subject of an exhibition at the Maritime Museum this year .
18 The Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA , Dirk Mudge , pres. ; Mishake Muyongo , vice-pres. ; the majority political formation in the previous South African-appointed transitional government , and since independence the main opposition party , with 21 Assembly seats ) ; the United Democratic Front ( UDF , Justus Garoeb , l. ) ; the right-wing Action Christian National ( ACN , led until Janni de Wet until May 1990 , and since then by Kosie Pretorius , whose National Party of South West Africa , part of the ACN , decided in August to change its name to the National Party , NP , and to admit non-whites into its ranks ) ; the Namibia Patriotic Front ( NPF Moses Katjiuongua , l. ) ; the Federal Convention of Namibia ( FCN , J.G.A. Diergaardt , l. ) ; the Namibia National Front ( NNF , V. Rukoro , l . ) .
19 Three days after admission ultrasonic appearances in the abdomen were normal .
20 The proposals were approved by the majority Labour councillors on the committee .
21 The reasons for the surrender of their own control over policy-making by west European nations in the 1950s remain unclear .
22 Max Saunders FHCIMA , a retired group director of catering for Grand Metropolitan plc , is the new chairman of the South West Regional Committee of the Hotel and Catering Benevolent Association ( HCBA ) .
23 Avon have withdrawn from the West regional rounds of the NatWest Women 's County Championship following a disappointing turn-out of players and internal problems , writes Cathy Harris .
24 A 150 mm cut off length of 25 mm vanadium steel hacksaw blade sharpened at one end and wrapped in PVC insulating tape at the other makes a very useful scraper .
25 2 Seven hour strenuous walk in the Cheviot Hills .
26 At the end of our statement sir we we did make reference to the er er removal possible removal of the article fourteen .
27 That was the moment to lower an experimental Ministry of Defence underwater loudspeaker into the water .
29 If there are four candidates in a constituency — Conservative , Labour , Liberal Democrat and Scottish Nationalist Party — and if thanks to the AV the Labour candidate is elected , first votes given to him will get 100% political representation in the constituency and first votes given to the other three candidates will get none at all : a strange sort of PARR , just like the sort our present system provides !
30 Lynn Schofield ( Mrs Haight ) has been living in Toronto since 1974 , where her husband is an E.N.T. specialist , and is at present Executive Assistant to the President of Scotiabank .
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