Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 However , making the intention explicit meant that the dynamics of collaboration had to be handled very carefully .
2 The authors concerned assume that the word " father " ( or its equivalent in other languages ) has a single meaning in itself , whereas in fact it has many different meanings depending upon what other term forms the other half of the dyadic relationship .
3 On the Soviet Union , the European Council underlined " the necessity for a constructive dialogue among all parties concerned to ensure that the process of transformation of the Soviet Union , which has entered a crucial phase , continues in a peaceful , democratic and orderly manner " .
4 We will take any further steps necessary to ensure that the wishes of the community will be complied with .
5 Execution is a process involving signature and unconditional delivery of the instrument , delivery requiring the use of acts or words sufficient to show that the person intends it to bind him as a deed .
6 Wrights ' Canadian Ropes Limited complained that the Minister should have allowed claims for expenses to be set off against tax .
7 Omega producer TTI Ltd believes that the package can be tailored to produce a computerised accounting solution which is an ‘ exact copy ’ of an existing manual system , offering some of the advantages of a ‘ bespoke ’ solution at a fraction of the cost .
8 A report published on Oct. 17 by the human rights group Amnesty International stated that the security forces continued to detain and torture opponents of the government " with apparent impunity " under the continuing state of emergency imposed in 1981 .
9 Amnesty International believes that the restrictions placed on prisoners of conscience doing compulsory labour are analogous to imprisonment and therefore urges that they be immediately and unconditionally released .
10 The future of the National Book Sales was this week thrown into doubt after Book Marketing Ltd announced that the summer sale , due to run from 3rd July to 7th August , had been cancelled because of a lack of support .
11 Launching International Literacy Year 1990 , UNESCO Director General said that the absolute number of illiterates had begun to decline for the first time in history .
12 If the regulatory body does its sums correctly , it will then allow the monopolist to levy the minimum fixed charge necessary to ensure that the monopolist breaks even after allowing for all relevant economic costs .
13 She has written to the Attorney General protesting that the courts have been too lenient on Dr Courtney and she has tabled a Parliamentary Question to Sir Nicholas designed to force a judicial review of the sentence .
14 This time the Attorney General replied that the figures for the period before 1982 were ‘ not fully available or reasonably accessible ’ , which can mean only that no one in his office was prepared to make the count .
15 All the evidence available suggests that the rate of fall of the glucose concentration does not affect the response to hypoglycaemia in a clamp .
16 But the evidence available confirms that the women most susceptible to maternal morbidity and mortality and who are most likely to experience loss of an infant or a child under age five belong to groups among whom contraception is relatively less frequently practised , i.e. under age 20 and over age 39 ( in some countries , over age 34 ) , with one or no children or many children , a rural resident , and/or with primary school education or less .
17 The agreement ( Clause 11 ) will specifically impose on the partners an obligation to do all things necessary to ensure that the firm 's books are in order and that all proper information is available for the firm 's accountants .
18 The heavy fines imposed on Sogat 82 in its 1986 dispute with News International showed that the unions ' inability to carry out secondary or solidarity ‘ blacking ’ weakened their bargaining power .
19 In the sense of " command " the presumption of compliance seems to be due to the fact that the bidder has the authority necessary to ensure that the action requested will be carried out .
20 Correspondingly , Alcoholics Anonymous emphasizes that the choice of understanding and action involved in working the suggested twelve step programme of recovery will have definite beneficial emotional consequences as well as the obvious physiological improvements resulting from abstinence .
21 The amiable West Indian realized that the man who served up the frothy coffee was not looking at his watch in order to see what time it was but more to indicate that he knew damned well what time it was — late , too late .
22 I beg to move , to leave out from ’ House ’ to the end of the Question and to add instead thereof : regrets that Her Majesty 's Government 's preoccupation with divisions in its own Party has meant that in the Inter-Governmental Conferences it has not taken the negotiating approach necessary to ensure that the United Kingdom exercises decisive influence on the future of the Community in ways which will help to advance the living and working standards of the people of this country in company with other peoples of Europe ; calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to work for an agreement at the European Council which ensures inclusion of the Social Charter , qualified majority voting on social and environmental matters , powers for the European Parliament to hold the Commission to account in ways that complement the role of national parliaments , decision-making at the level — local , regional , national or Community — where maximum democratic control is at all times exercised , foreign and security policy co-operation without the development of a European Community military role , widening of the Community as rapidly as practicable , co-operation to combat terrorism and other crime , and strengthened powers for ECOFIN as the politically responsible counterpart to any European Central Bank system ; and urges the Government to work to secure agreement to , and adopt policies for , high levels of employment , sustainable non-inflationary growth , balanced regional and national economic development and social cohesion , and for the fundamental reform of the CAP , in order to achieve real economic convergence in the years leading to economic and monetary union and a single currency as the essential foundation for those changes and to safeguard the long-term interests of the people of the United Kingdom . ' .
23 7.7 Tenant 's insurance covenants It is important that the lease contains general covenants on the part of the tenant relating to insurance sufficient to ensure that the insurance is not vitiated because of foolish acts on the part of the tenant .
24 It was a touch disappointing to find that the great Wilson of the Wizard was not there .
25 Towards the end of last year , Sun Microsystems Inc decided that the growth rate at the high-end of the graphics and visualisation market did n't warrant its continued investment .
26 it is now left to the discretion of the accountant to decide the scope of the inspection necessary to verify that the RICS member 's accounting system complies with RICS members ' accounts regulation 11 ;
27 In the rarefied atmosphere of brewery marketing departments it was no doubt possible to believe that the nascent trend towards greater health consciousness and personal responsibility would result in huge demand for reduced alcohol products .
28 I do not think that it is in any way insulting to say that the epithet , ’ Clyde-built ’ , which was a badge of quality in the last century , was getting somewhat tarnished during the post-war years .
29 Minneapolis-based Tricord Systems Inc says that the new Intel Corp Pentium processor can be used in all its PowerFrame servers - now .
30 Foster City , California-based Blyth Holdings Inc says that the Norwegian Police Force has chosen to standardise on the company 's Omnis Seven Plus Windows-based software on thousands of personal computers to be linked to unidentified Unix servers running the Ingres relational database management system .
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