Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [adj] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The worry of a breakdown is always at the back of most riders ' minds and when travelling on the continent the wise take out special cover .
2 It was partly in recognition of these tender sprouts of leadership among Russia 's ‘ third estate ’ that during the 1550s Ivan the Terrible drew up a new legal code and made a number of important administrative reforms .
3 WHEN THE London Sydney classic car rally began at Chelsea Harbour , London , two lucky P&O Containers Australia staff were there to give the drivers a rousing send off .
4 After Saturday morning 's clean-up the 11 set out a plastic patio table and chairs , and were helped by town mayor Jackie Pell to stage the birthday party in the river .
5 ‘ Good job you do , ’ she went on , ‘ because I cook it once a week to give the tins a good clean out . ’
6 A few weeks earlier that same candidate had drawn the member of parliament 's attention to ‘ one David Denholm an old worn out officer at Thorntonloch nigh Dunglass in East Lothian who is about being supperannuated ’ .
7 All the same , in spite of these initial reservations the two got on well .
8 On Monday the three move on to the Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College for unscripted questions from students in the main hall in their lunch hour .
9 Lee Turnbull got the header … the United defence a severe ticking off from manager Greg Downs …
10 Erm , this is story a that goes back about twenty , twenty one years ago .
11 Next remove all the old putty from both parts of the joint and give the metal surfaces a good rub down with a wire brush and , if necessary , abrasive paper before applying two coats of bitumastic paint .
12 Once you 've given the carpets a good going over , you can also use the Steamatic to add a sparkle to glass top tables , mirrors and mirrored wardrobe doors .
13 ‘ I think I 'll go out with the next patrol and give these marshalling yards a thorough going over . ’
14 If the weekend is fine the rain waits for Monday , just so it can give the working week a gloomy send off .
15 Bereaved pet owners no longer have to go to a cemetery to give their cat or dog a loving send off .
16 Alfred the Learned strolled off to one of the huts .
17 As they left the turn the French paddled off at a tangent and tried to run the Romanians into the landing pontoon in front of all the VIPs .
18 And not so Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov , both hyperconscious men , and both ( as we shall see ) linked by their condition to the city which Peter the Great pondered over and then ordered to be built .
19 When Peter the Great gave up the first Russian fleet in southern waters after being disastrously defeated by the Turks in 1711 , he said that " The Lord God drove me out of this place , like Adam out of paradise " .
20 There was one thing where a guy was writing The Bells Of Lal Pt 2 from the ‘ Flying ’ record and he had done the entire song an eighth note off !
21 And when King Rudolf the Fifth stepped out of the train , the people shouted , ‘ God save the King ! ’
22 The toasts to Gaby , the protestations persisted and in the end the two reeled out of the café arm-in-arm at two in the morning swearing eternal friendship .
23 By the beginning of the twentieth century the latter made up about 90 per cent of the population of the three western provinces , and between 60 and 85 per cent of Irkutsk , Transbaikal and Amur provinces , but in the enormous Yakutsk province and the far north-east it was still the non-Russian indigenous population which predominated , in a proportion of 13:1 .
24 In this way there was in human history a cumulative build up of knowledge and success in adaptation to the environment which made human beings very quick to adapt to new problems — much more easily and quickly than if they had depended only on genetic transmission .
25 Although Washington promptly distanced itself from his speech , and publicized its own high valuation of relations with Britain , George Ball , deputy to the US secretary of state , privately noted that it was time the British gave up their " not very healthy " illusions concerning the empire , the deterrent and the relationship with the United States .
26 Every time the express went by , we had to hold the windows in .
27 For the second time the French set out to catch the English .
28 Today he was able to achieve something not done since Henry the 8th fell out with the Pope .
29 In desperation the British gave up the Palestinian mandate in May 1948 , while trying to rescue what they could of their relationship with the Arabs .
30 I do n't suppose old Pope Leo the Tenth sat around gazing at the latest thing he 'd just commissioned from Michelangelo , for instance .
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