Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] people [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such an act could be accompanied by a Commission against Age Discrimination both to help enforce the legislation and promote equal opportunities for people regardless of age .
2 ‘ Can we abandon half the globe to the caprice of peoples still in their infancy … ?
3 I had not had very successful relationships with people up to this time and I said no to him . ’
4 And then dropping out of it when I was twelve or thirteen , getting sidetracked by hormonal changes and the need to , like , butt heads with people out on the grass for a while …
5 Oh well we had no feelings about it because I really was n't an Old Harlow person , nor was my husband and all that we could think about it was that it would be very good for the area , it would erm , bring work and employment and everything like that , but of course Old Harlow people were very , you know , a lot of them were very against it and yet , in the end , the Harlow High Street shops was , made a fortune in those first few years , you know , when there was nothing else and the , the Old Harlow High Street was n't of course paved over in those days , anything like that and it , it was a narrow , narrow high street , it was almost like taking your life in your hands walking down there because there were crowds of people obviously with all this influx of community and they er the main Chelmsford road used to come up through there , so it was a , a hell , sort of a traffic hazard really .
6 The Tech-Greens are probably breeding the right kind of people right at this minute . ’
7 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
8 Most of those leaving the cities have done so through the commercial market and they have moved for a variety of reasons ( Kennett and Hall , 1981 ) : more freely-available , cheaper , owner-occupied housing might be found beyond the cities in environmentally-attractive locations ; households are more mobile — car-ownership rates doubled between 1961 and 1981 and the electrification of some InterCity lines has encouraged a marked decentralization of people away from London to areas such as Peterborough , Stamford ( Lincs. ) and even Newark ( Notts. ) ; many move out of cities on retirement ; and for the economically active in the south of England , movement out of London becomes ever more attractive as many commercial activities leave the capital .
9 While the proportion of people out of work in 1981 stood at 11.7pc in the North compared with 5.5pc in the South East , at the beginning of this year the figures were 12.1pc and 10.5pc respectively .
10 Whatever the quality of recruitment of barristers and solicitors , is my right hon. and learned Friend aware of the deep weakness in the British legal system in that justice is readily available to the poor who can get legal aid and to the rich who can easily afford it anyway but that to a large proportion of people in between it often seems barely accessible and yet they have to pay taxes to provide justice for others ?
11 So a number of theories of perception erm came on to the market as a response to the work of people like in the fifties and towards the end of the fifties we started to get theories of perception which were based on feature detectors .
12 It is salutary to reflect on the fact that decisions taken and qualifications awarded now could affect the mobility of people well into the twenty first century .
13 For that , the resources are just my wits and the help of people already in business . ’
14 She had that feeling of insult often felt at a party when the person one is talking to focuses his gaze on people round about all the time , searching for someone more interesting , powerful or sexy to talk to .
15 What sort of people apart from the
16 Take advice , and use whatever method you think will be most effective in attracting the right sort of people along for interview , so that you will be making a selection from a number of genuinely suitable candidates .
17 He 's probably going to do well on Capitol Hill , because he can relate well to those kinds of people just like Carter Brown ’ .
18 There were hordes of people down by the sea-front .
19 THE DINNER OR LUNCHEON PARTY Whatever time of day it is , this is most likely to mean inviting a group of people over for a ‘ sit-down ’ meal .
20 ‘ No , but this form of atropine is used by one group of people apart from chemists .
21 Sitting in Casey 's office with a group of people sometime in the autumn of 1985 , John McMahon , his deputy , suddenly said : ‘ You wo n't believe what Bud McFarlane just told me at the White House . ’
22 It was n't easy for him , all those women bickering and only a handful of people out of Dynmouth 's thousands ever setting foot in his church , and Mr Peniket sighing over the decline of church life .
23 It was a dead time of day in Loxford , with only a handful of people out in their gardens — she would have to have the usual shouted conversation with Mr Biddle among his brassica stumps , and a whispered one with Mrs Eddoes , who treated life as a giant conspiracy — and nobody in the shop or on the green .
24 Because the control sample of people still at home at second assessment was so small , no conclusions are possible .
25 Remarkably simple yet it still needs an awful lot of erm individ er people teams of people back at head office backing you know know what I mean .
26 We wanted to get away from it all but now find we 're in daily contact with people all over the world ! ’
27 It is the same battle , in a new form , which dates centuries back , and which finds support from peoples all over the ‘ Third World ’ who have been fighting and dying for too long for something which is so clearly their birthright .
28 Our advisory services answer thousands of queries from people all over the country .
29 Empirically however , the last century has been dominated by a major movement of people away from the countryside , although in the past 10 or 20 years there has been a significant repopulation of rural areas .
30 The Gulf crisis brought to public attention the very large numbers of non-nationals working in the Middle East states , but there are also large non-national populations in the member states of the European Community and there is likely to be a large movement of people out of the USSR and the Eastern European countries into Western Europe now that the borders are relatively open .
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