Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] only [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When their mother died in 1778 she was sent away to Halifax , to stay with her mother 's cousin , Miss Elizabeth Threlkeld , for nine years ; she then lived at Penrith with her grand-parents , seeing William for only a short time , and from 1789 to 1794 was away from the Lake District again , in the care of her uncle and aunt at Forncett in Norfolk .
2 The problems result from long-term exposure , so families who change homes every few years may not suffer because they are exposed to levels above the action level for only a short time .
3 A single kiln , for instance , probably implies a potter 's presence for only a short period in the life of a settlement some may even have been itinerant or at best semi-residential , moving on once local demand had been satisfied .
4 This will be the case where , for example , a minister stays in a government department for only a limited period of time .
5 Incidentally , I trust that the fretwire used is up to scratch ; I 've recently seen a few Korean guitars with very soft fretwire which would probably need a re-fret after only a short time .
6 Benefits of RDS as a source of traffic information have penetrated the consciousness of only the relative few making top-of-the-range car-radio purchases .
7 LAGAN Valley Hospital can nearly double its workload with only a slight increase in costs , a public meeting has heard .
8 LAGAN Valley Hospital can nearly double its workload with only a slight increase in costs , a public meeting was told today .
9 Inside , she was like his stepfather 's room … dark and secret , allowing David into only a small part of it .
10 Temperatures will hover around eight to ten degrees celsius , that s forty six to fifty fahrenheit with only a moderate breeze .
11 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
12 In a typically devious climb-down they announced they would bombard the island in future on only the odd dates of the month , as though the rain of shells was a form of parking restriction .
13 Due to pressure on places the Faculties of Arts , Law , Medicine and Social Sciences are able to offer deferred entry to only a small proportion of applicants .
14 B enjoys the full-hearted support of only a small percentage of the PLP .
15 The next day use two pieces of dry food as a first course , the next day use four and so on , gradually increasing the size of the first course until the dog 's meal comprises a huge first course of dry food followed by a minuscule second course of only a single nugget of dry food garnished with some juicy brown food as a reward for cleaning its bowl .
16 Atrophy explains the presence of only a single well-developed anal vein in Anisopus ( Fig. 34 ) and other Diptera , while the occurrence in this genus of a single vein R2+3 , in place of the separate veins R2 and R3 , is due to coalescence .
17 Furthermore , small-degree partial melting in the presence of only the main upper-mantle mineral phases ( assuming plagioclase is not involved ) should not produce a positive correlation between U/Pb and Ce/Pb ( Fig. 3 c ) on the basis of published mineral-melt distribution coefficients .
18 Comment on any difficulties caused by ( a ) the lack of index registers , ( b ) the presence of two instructions per word , and ( c ) the provision of only a single conditional jump instruction .
19 As he pointed out to me , the port and other government officials , also the navy and military personnel , came and went , generally posted south for only a short period , whereas he was a permanent fixture .
20 There is space at the top of the column for only a brief description of the activity .
21 Eva had a brand new wardrobe for only a small outlay .
22 Journalists must be told that this is a speculative lunch with only a small information content and that the general intent is to discuss the subject in broad terms with the injection of a few ideas from the PROs .
23 In March or April the flocks take on an even whiter appearance as the males moult into ‘ whiter than white ’ plumage with only a black mantle .
24 In therapeutic doses ( up to 4 g a day ) paracetamol undergoes glucuronidation and sulphation in the liver with only a small amount being metabolised by cytochromes to the toxic metabolite N -acetyl- p -benzoquinone imine , which is inactivated by hepatic glutathione .
25 A straightforward , attractive , and testable interpretation of Sag & Hankamer 's suggestion is that ellipses are interpreted with reference to only a representation of the superficial features of a text , while model interpretive anaphors are interpreted with reference to only a mental model .
26 His car makes room for only the S-class 's V8 — not its interior opulence .
27 The stop is a small burrow with only a single entrance .
28 Sir Adrian Cadbury is not one of those who subscribes to the popular theory that a truly professional manager can take over the helm of any type of business with only a superficial knowledge of the nuts and bolts .
29 Feeling grubby , and , she had to admit , starving hungry , and not at all liking the idea of hiding in her room with only a rumbling tummy for company , she had a quick wash , then changed into clean clothes .
30 ‘ Did you now ? ’ said Hilary , coming in to the sick bay , which was really no more than a scruffy little room with only a slight hospital smell about it to bespeak its function .
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