Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Preparation for this type of surgery may be shared with the stoma care nurse and/or the patient may sometimes be introduced to someone who already has a stoma .
2 Algae seldom pose any problems during winter , for then the pool becomes dull and lifeless , but the preparation for this period of dormancy is with most pool owners a sadly neglected one .
3 Believe it or not there was lively bidding for this slice of history at Christies … the selling price was 990 pounds .
4 Some amazingly well organised not to mention tight people , take their notes for this meeting on the back of the last meeting 's agenda .
5 Even though there are valid medical and technical reasons for this state of affairs , it can lead to difficulties for women and girls .
6 The principal reasons for this state of affairs lie in the explanations given at the beginning of this chapter ; scholars with museum backgrounds laid the foundations for an artefact-based subject in the first half of the twentieth century and introduced the strong historical background to such studies .
7 One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the publicity that has been given to the hills by him and numerous other writers of magazine articles and books over the past 20 or 30 years .
8 This chapter will attempt to determine some of the reasons for this state of affairs and then will go on to suggest ways in which teachers can overcome these problems .
9 There were three reasons for this state of affairs .
10 There may have been reasons for this lack of positive discrimination towards the older conurbations .
11 There were several reasons for this lack of success .
12 We may identify a number of different reasons for this lack of clarity .
13 Common reasons for this lack of take up were :
14 It will also reveal , by default , which classes are not using the school library on a regular basis and the school librarian may wish to find out the reasons for this lack of use .
15 Possible reasons for this spread of results include issues related to both the origin of the dictionary and the origin of the test data :
16 Skinner 's notes to the final disc in the Christchurch recordings of the Byrd masses skate over the exact reasons for this change of pitch and , although I would agree that the brighter sound of trebles has the greater immediate impact than men 's voices alone , it could be argued that if this Mass was ever used , it would most likely have been performed by solo voices or a small and musically skinned ensemble gathered to celebrate a recusant Roman service , probably without the participation of boys .
17 Now I personally felt that it would be quite inhumane to deal with someone who was somewhere near the magic 60 cut-off , for reasons that it would be impossible to examine with any clarity the reasons for this change of heart , and the strong will that he had shown during his previous operational record .
18 Here we will consider the reasons for this change in language and consider how Melossi ‘ s ‘ vocabulary of motives ’ helps us to understand changes in England and Wales since 1974 .
19 In most cases , lack of flexibility is one of the main reasons for this problem during the backswing .
20 ( Some ontological reasons for this type of treatment are suggested by Lyons , 1977 : 502 . )
21 The reasons for this type of consultation behaviour are , in the absence of interviews , speculative .
22 There are several reasons for this concern with dementia sufferers and with finding ways of sustaining them at home .
23 Further experiments will be carried out to determine the underlying reasons for this kind of confusion and how far it occurs in everyday life situations .
24 The reasons for this level of disagreement are complex .
25 There appear to be two main reasons for this factor of ten difference between estimate and practice .
26 There were a number of related reasons for this revolution in economic organisation .
27 But the reasons for this shift to the ( not very ) left are largely mundane .
28 The reasons for this shift in public opinion from the Whigs to the Tories are not hard to discern .
29 Of particular interest here are the reasons for this decline in velocity .
30 But there were several other reasons for this repression of international issues in the campaign .
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