Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] long [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 He gripped the pommel , pushed his left boot into the cold stirrup iron , and heaved up into the Hussar saddle with its high spoon that offered support during long hours of riding .
2 In addition to the mobility required of them as deputies in battle for the king , they were also kept in attendance at their father 's court at Aachen for long periods of time .
3 And it does n't tie up your money for long periods of time .
4 Yields in general will tend to be higher for longer term investments , because lenders require to be compensated for giving up their money for long periods of time .
5 Many people and firms want to borrow money for long periods of time , and yet many depositors want to be able to withdraw their deposits on demand or at short notice .
6 All of the models described so far are targeted on people with most needs and engage these clients for long periods of time , sometimes indefinitely ( substituting for long-term institutional care for the most needy people ) .
7 Like many so-called archaic methods it was the result of long adaption of means to ends ; like many supposed pockets of peasant routine the Basque system could adapt itself to new demands .
8 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
9 Anomalous aspects of nature often venerated by ritual over long periods of time become charged with the directed mental/ psychic energy of their race .
10 It has also been clear in his methods of training orchestras over long periods of time .
11 Cedar harpoons were clutched in their hands , anchored to the floats by long coils of rope made from cedar bark .
12 Gold appears either in its parent rock or in placer deposits in which the products of long periods of erosion are concentrated in the alluvium of existing river systems or buried under later sedimentary or igneous rocks .
13 Scotland was still , by contemporary standards , an unusually localized country , in which the government impinged less ; and it had two centuries of experience of long periods of royal minorities in which government and political life had to be kept going without the guiding hand of a monarch .
14 At a time when structural unemployment means that many — particularly the young — will be out of work for long periods of time , the old individualistic idea that ‘ all we need is a bit of enterprise and motivation ’ seems to get stronger the more inappropriate it becomes .
15 At that period many of the younger Nayar males were likely to be away from home for long periods of military service .
16 Frequent leave was recommended ‘ in order to regain sanity of outlook after long periods of loneliness ’ , and it was later added that : ‘ Intellectual geniuses are not required , nor anyone with ‘ nerves ’ or who is likely to become ‘ Masai-astic ’ … i.e. regard themselves as specialists ' .
17 Apart from that , the prospect of investment and increased trade with countries with long traditions of industry and commerce is a stimulating one .
18 Government is becoming increasingly task or product orientated , rather than directed towards carrying out functions over long periods of time in line with established routines .
19 She still sees Bailey often , gets on extremely well with Catherine , Bailey 's current wife , and if he is out of town for long periods of time , they speak on the telephone .
20 Stationary exercise bikes are no better , with the need for long periods of hamster-like moronic trundling to get any real benefits from them .
21 Nothing is worse than walking in wet trousers for long periods of time , so the overtrousers you select should give as good a service as your jacket .
22 As Burton loved to live in opposition — it made him feel most alive and it could be argued that he lived in serious opposition to his own body for long stretches of his life — it is interesting to speculate whether the homosexual network gave yet another spin to his heterosexuality .
23 Even the most monotonous work will have occupied the mind and body for long periods of the day .
24 Examination of long stretches of numerical data , together with other methods of analysis , have shown that it is indeed varying chaotically ; that is to say , no matter how long the fluctuations continue , one will never find repetition of the detailed pattern .
25 Because the Germans had blown the bridges over the Po , there were only temporary bridges with long queues of vehicles waiting to cross them .
26 With brute strength ( it took at least ten horses to shift even one medium field gun ) , the Germans eventually moved their guns forward but the delays involved meant that many of the deadly 21Os , so essential a part of the German offensive technique , were hors de combat over long periods of the battle during its most critical phase .
27 A large and increasing proportion of afforestation is being undertaken by the private sector , which includes both large landed estates with long traditions of involvement in forestry and also forestry investment groups which have become active in recent years .
28 All the Scheme authors are practising teachers , teacher-trainers , or researchers with long experience of their subject and the classroom .
29 The Route Impériale was laid out by Napoleon , the First this time , for strategic rather than aesthetic purposes , but it is a delight , a quiet , curly road along a ridge with long vistas of farms and moor land to the east , and of more farms , villages and cultivation to the west .
30 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
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