Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] work for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I did a great deal of work for my constituency as an MP and plan to do a lot more .
2 And I think it 's a very fine piece of work for which he received a first class mark incidentally .
3 I am no more and indeed no less — than a fine craftsman , a tailor , in search of work for my hands , honest work , to keep me alive . ’
4 ‘ Perhaps you 'd like to ride a bit of work for me . ’
5 and I 'm hoping that the local authority will start coming across with a bit of work for me .
6 2 , it 's a very normal and routine bit of work for you .
7 Unlikely though it seemed to students and friends of the scholarly and bespectacled professor , he had at this period worked for what became SOE ( a kind of work for which his precision of mind , excellent memory and linguistic ability pre-eminently qualified him : he contrived among other exploits to smuggle the leader of the Bulgarian Peasant Party out of the country into Turkey in a truck ) .
8 Developments in Europe continue apace as many of the directives and associated legislation from the European Community affect areas of work for our profession .
9 After suffering a defeat by Maldon in the Anglo Two Counties League at the weekend , captain Roy Flanagan can overlook the hassle of having to organise days off work for his players .
10 and she does all that sort of work for me
11 There is nobody in a stronger position than someone who is doing a good job of work for nothing , especially when his employer is stingy and congenitally idle .
12 I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff , making sure that there 's a continuity of work for them , and I like to try to mix their work as much as possible .
13 Because , let's face it , if we 're all one economy it is n't a level playing field if one country is inviting in erm companies er You know , transnationals , the lot , on the promise it 's cheaper to get our workers to work for you , you do n't have to pay out for this .
14 In 1988 , disputes arose between British shipowners , who proposed to introduce changes to existing terms and conditions of work for their employees , and the National Union of Seamen .
15 Er , er , Jim got erm a ticket in the sweep at work for me , but it was er , what was it ?
16 ‘ With practice , my style developed , and there 's stacks of work for me now .
17 There are plans to give everyone affordable health insurance , allow leave from work for anyone with a sick child or elderly relative to look after , and enforce a seven-day wait for anyone wanting to buy a handgun .
18 The ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ tour that followed was an enormous amount of work for everybody involved and in some ways , it began to break down .
19 Right , but what needs to happen is if we continue like this we 're gon na be re-inventing the wheel every year and making a lot of work for yourselves .
20 That 's a lot of work for one . ’
21 After Corrections I joined Picture Group in 1981 and for some reason I ended up doing a lot of work for them in the ghettos , guns , drugs and things like that ; it became my forte and I came to feel at ease in this kind of environment .
22 Technically , if you hand someone a joint you 're supplying , but it means a lot of work for them and does n't catch the people who are the big fish .
23 It was a lot of work for her .
24 Not really no , a lot of work for nothing .
25 ‘ That must be a lot of work for your mother , ’ McLeish said , hopefully , and got another level , distantly amused look .
26 If you leave a complicated estate with lots of bits here there and everywhere and your affairs in mess and the solicitor 's got to sort out he 's going to have to do a lot of work for it .
27 Now Andy , he gets a nice two hundred and fifty thousand a year , he does do a lot of work for it though
28 Made a lot of work for you .
29 But there would have been a lot of work for you boys
30 Must have been a lot of work for you .
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