Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] people [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lawyers want more protection for people with stake in homes .
2 The Conservative party believes in choice and opportunity for people in terms of how they spend their money and their time .
3 This could be an indication of a continuing unwillingness to recognise how much further advanced are many EEC and OECD centres in their education and training provision for people with disabilities .
4 Policy changes in the 1970s moved the provision for people over retirement age towards a wholly wage-related scheme of insurance .
5 I remember Saturday , as a boy I er I used to run errands for people for pennies , like many more did .
6 Now in its third edition , this text brings together in one volume the guide-lines for people in jobs with special tax problems .
7 The 4 projects for people with dementia were Camberwell , St Helens , West Cumbria and Hillingdon .
8 It is a course for people with experience of life who enjoy exploring ideas and who have confidence in their ability to form and to express opinions .
9 The Open University has begun a new course for people with learning difficulties .
10 Some provide a freezer for people at home , and then deliver frozen meals so that people can heat their own , when they wish .
11 A former building society manager , Mr Cartwright suggests some golden rules for people in search of a remortgage :
12 But progress in marriage and parenting for people with learning difficulties is much less clear-cut and visible .
13 Traditionally , those bathrooms for people with mobility problems have n't been attractive — available only in white and with various attachments that appear to be included as afterthoughts .
14 Blood products for people with haemophilia are now heat treated ( heat kills the virus ) and are also perfectly safe .
15 Welcome back:The Princess of Wales will visit two groups for people with HIV and Aids tomorrow , drawing national attention to way sufferers are treated here in the Central region .
16 One of the psychiatrists I spoke to while preparing this book said that in his therapy groups for people with anxieties , he asked them to make lists of their day 's worries .
17 ‘ They run one or two groups for people in distress .
18 Action for people with arthritis .
19 The second is that the statutory services do not have the monopoly of altruism or the monopoly of occupying the high moral ground , and I think that those of you who saw the presentation given yesterday afternoon by Mike O'Reilly on the work that 's being done at Knowesouth , the private home he and his wife run , would have to concede that that was an excellent example of the kind of not only interesting , but the kind of pushing forward the boundaries of what can be done in different kinds of settings for people with dementia .
20 The move was part of the ‘ community care ’ initiative adopted by health authorities to provide housing and support services in ordinary settings for people with learning difficulties .
21 And if it was n't for Captain Eric , Sister Margaret and a few others , there would be precious little of a toehold for people like James , Carol and many others in their struggle to build something of a life in Easterhouse .
22 It has remedies for people with diseases .
23 Lord Ennals will be joined by a variety of eminent speakers looking at the role of the law , and of lawyers in finding legal remedies for people in need of community care services .
24 While the rising tide of the elderly population indicated that the need for inpatient care would not diminish , plans had already been made to establish local units for people with dementia at Tiverton and Exmouth .
25 They make particularly good presents for people in flats , for elderly or housebound relatives , or for a child with his or her own bedroom and an interest in wildlife that needs fostering .
26 The Minister for Roads and Traffic , Christopher Chope , has announced changes to the Orange Badge Scheme which provides parking concessions for people for disabilities .
27 His life 's work in setting up homes for people with disabilities was ‘ a shining example ’ of what a person could achieve , she said .
28 This does not apply to those people who spend long periods of time in institutions which they are powerless to leave and with little or no freedom of choice … children 's homes , boarding schools , prisons , mental hospitals , homes for people with disabilities .
29 It applies to homes for elderly people and homes for people with disabilities , mental health or addiction problems .
30 The most unsettling vision of this was suggested by Ceryth Wynne Evans , who described the use of virtual worlds to provide environments for people with disabilities , and questioned the relation of such erasable virtualities to the suffering body : with the body , we return to an ethical dimension of the aesthetic .
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