Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] people with a " in BNC.

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1 There were 8 projects for people with a mental illness , most of those people were not elderly .
2 Small Staffed Houses for People with a Severe Learning Disability and Challenging Behaviour
3 Deinstitutionalisation and relocation of people with a mental handicap
4 Modern Texas prison administration essentially dates from the steps Jester took to ensure that the prisons were run by an accountable board of people with a strong social conscience .
5 He said that cabinets and parties were coalitions ; groups of people with a common philosophy , providing ‘ a starting point in most discussions which enables them to work their way by dialogue through to agreement ’ .
6 These were groups of people with a common bond who had joined together to make regular contributions into a pool from which they could borrow at low rates of interest .
7 It is heartening to find that the various research tools bear out intuitive impressions in that , for the great majority of people with a history of mental health problems , quality of life is better in supported accommodation .
8 Specialist nursing or care at home for people with a terminal illness may be available through Macmillan nurses , provided by Cancer Relief , and Marie Curie Foundation nurses , or from a local hospice .
9 Though proceedings occasionally teeter over into winsome cuteness ( witness the sugary pap of ‘ Sun ’ and ‘ Helicopter People ’ ) , most of tonight 's set sounds like the work of people with a sound grasp of pop virtues .
10 The third study ( in progress ) is examining the experiences of people with a wide variety of physical impairments or disabling illnesses , including diabetes , polio , multiple sclerosis , scoliosis , Parkinson 's disease , muscular dystrophy and various forms of arthritis .
11 There is a danger of overestimating the impact of the community care reforms on the everyday lives of people with a diagnosis of mental illness .
12 It is encouraging to see that the Society is also moving with the times and its work with people with a disability , mothers and toddlers and its preparations for the arrival of National Vocational Qualifications are to be commended .
13 To provide particular assistance to people with a disability to take advantage of work and training opportunities ; and to help and encourage employers to make such opportunities available .
14 to provide particular help to people with a disability to take advantage of work and training opportunities and to help and encourage employers to make such opportunities available ;
15 There is some limited evidence that the administrative model might be more suited to the needs of people with a physical disability ( Pilling , 1988 ) whereas people with mental illness may find the administrative model unacceptable and less effective ( Huxley and Warner , 1992 ) .
16 Systematic arrangements will be made to assess , provide for and review the health and social care needs of people with a mental illness who would benefit from support and treatment in the community ( Coventry )
17 So it really explains what flu is and how to recognise those symptoms ; it outlines who is at special risk from flu , the sort of people with a special medical con , conditions and what those are , and also what to do if you think you have flu .
18 Pivotal to the security of people with a mental disorder who are detained in hospitals is the right to apply to a mental health review tribunal for discharge from their sections and to be represented at the tribunal by a lawyer of their choice .
19 We do not know whether all the original recruits really were from orphanages and boarding schools , but if so , they were a particularly vulnerable group of people with a very confused class identity and little choice of work when placed under pressure from patrons .
20 Thus , in his eyes , a nation was a community of people with a common language , territory , economic activity , and a particular psychological make-up as the result of a distinct historical experience , expressed in a common culture .
21 In a country where innovation is prized in welfare as much as in technology , there is no reason that this right will not increasingly extend to other groups — Specialised Housing 's initiative has already caused the families of people with a severely mentally ill child to start thinking whether such an option might be open to them — but the fact remains that in the USA parents have even fewer options than in this country .
22 Families of people with a learning disability might welcome a less intense form of case management than that offered to single male schizophrenia sufferers who have a long history of compulsory admission to hospital .
23 I 've got a theory I have a feeling there 's going to be a great revival of people with a Quakered mind way of thinking .
24 Erm , the growth in demand for people with a known disability and again is explained briefly there , and essentially means that you 've got more clients coming in than you 've got leaving because of the greater life expectancy because more are surviving at birth , and one would have to say that they are presenting more difficult problems in a health demand .
25 Thirdly , the Levels were clearly of great use to people with a limited technological and economic capacity .
26 She said during her term of office the organisation 's base in Stockton Road , Middlesbrough , had seen many changes and was now a thriving day centre for people with a visual impairment .
27 Editor , — The two dominant elements of care for people with a mental disorder are social and medical .
28 The much publicised case of Ben Silcock and the health secretary 's response to it have once again revealed important differences among mental health care providers about which care is most necessary ; it has also emphasised underlying uncertainties about whether community care for people with a diagnosis of severe mental illness can ever really work .
29 As such , care programming can be seen as an attempt to standardize mental health service delivery and to set norms for the administration of care for people with a certain level of dependency .
30 Home ownership is becoming a reality for people with a learning difficulty in the USA , as Terry Philpot discovered
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