Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] be taken in " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this get-together was to enable a group photograph to be taken in front of the Society 's latest restoration project , Spitfire PR.XI PL965/G-MKXI .
2 However , it is important that the latter are seen as methodological issues to be faced rather than as postures to be taken in advance of looking closely at them .
3 Any instructions to counsel and any opinion of counsel ( whether or not in connection with any proceedings ) and any advice received , information obtained or action to be taken in connection with —
4 Although rare , medication errors can occur in hospitals too , and there is usually a hospital policy about the action to be taken in such circumstances .
5 FRAG is currently drafting guidance for members on the recognition of suspicious transactions and the action to be taken in relation to them , which , it argues , should provide sufficient regulation .
6 Both the Asian and the North American participants issued public letters to each other outlining plans for future action to be taken in their respective regions .
7 In early September Collor had summoned for the first time the Council of the Republic , whose remit was to advise the President on action to be taken in a time of deep crisis or emergency , including the declaration of a state of siege if necessary .
8 Recommendation of appropriate action to be taken in cases of non–compliance with legislation .
9 Determining the appropriate action to be taken in cases of non–compliance with legislation .
10 Lucaroni was standing almost immediately inside , studying a notice concerning action to be taken in the event of fire breaking out in the building .
11 This information should enable the investor to decide : ( a ) if the size of the workforce is to be reduced , at what cost , bearing in mind the notice periods , age and length of service of the employees ; ( b ) if the workforce is to be increased , at what cost ; ( c ) whether the existing terms of employment , benefits and so on are appropriate , or too great a burden for the target business ; ( d ) the importance of key individuals and whether any action should be taken to ensure their loyalty or protect the company 's position by , for example , keyman insurance ( particularly important in service industries ) ; and ( e ) action to be taken in respect of any share option arrangements , incentive schemes , or the funding ( or under-funding ) of pension schemes .
12 The guidelines describe procedures for obtaining approval for research to be conducted and specify steps to be taken in contacting establishments , and items for inclusion in letters seeking parental consent for use when the research involves pupils .
13 In a sermon he announced that he would call a synod of European bishops to consider steps to be taken in unifying Europe as a Christian continent .
14 This has the consequence of enabling the degree to be taken in two rather than the normal three years .
15 The court allowed a deposition to be taken in New Zealand , which might convince the other parties of the genuineness of the claim , but it was only to be admitted in evidence with their consent .
16 * The authorities in the French city of Strasbourg have banned cars from the city centre — the first such move to be taken in France .
17 The new examination consists of a combination of course-work , assessed by teachers , and final examinations to be taken in a block at the end of the two-year course .
18 A written policy should therefore be established that recognises the potential for the abuse and fraudulent use of computerised data , and the appropriate actions to be taken in the event of an employee 's breaching the trust placed in him or her .
19 SFA 's rules impose certain restrictions on the types of investment advertisement that may be issued , require due diligence to be taken in preparing the advertisement and also prescribe certain mandatory contents .
20 This is , normally , a marketing decision to be taken in conjunction with the client , based on the seasonality of sales of the product and of competitive activity .
21 Sir Hugh stressed his force would allow no life to be taken in order to protect its intelligence system .
22 During the early 1950s too little was known about rocket propulsion and missile performance for finite decisions to be taken in favour of either aircraft or missiles .
23 The assumption is commonly made that the decisions to be taken in caring for such patients , the therapeutic strategy to be adopted , are wholly medical matters , and thus wholly for the doctors to make , with or without discussion with the patient .
24 And also they wanted harsh decisions to be taken in respect of their effects on industry .
25 They are guidelines , there are no final decisions to be taken in terms of the implementation of a number of these , but this is the Committee 's opportunity to view those in detail and make its recommendations through proposals to Policy and Resources Committee and on to Council .
26 The University generally welcomes applications from fifth year students and will make offers on the basis of Highers to be taken in fifth year .
27 Experience and common sense will often allow short cuts to be taken in the procedures with relevant product choice being determined from direct observation .
28 IN THE BAG … left , and pause for their photo to be taken in the Warehouse .
29 It is clear that because of the role of the context in all aspects of utterance interpretation , a speaker who intends her utterance to be taken in a particular way must expect it to be interpreted in a context that yields that interpretation .
30 In 1916 , a special committee produced its recommendations for the precautions to be taken in the event of an air raid .
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