Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've made yourself an enemy for life instead of a friend for life — very clever , that .
2 I think this is one of the essentials in Harlow and something that people should not forget , that is that , although there is a great deal of criticism possibly of the standard of building that went on over the years of the Development Corporation , compared with what most people came from , there was a very great elevation both in quality and in ideas .
3 There has been a good deal of discussion recently of time-perspectives in industrial and economic policy , with both industry and the City being accused of ‘ short-termism ’ , sometimes in comparison with the Germans or Japanese .
4 There was a good deal of air ahead of him — he could feel it moving and there was a considerable space above his head .
5 There is a great deal of talk nowadays of global warming , the ‘ greenhouse effect ’ , the destruction of the ozone layer and so on , and it is difficult for an ordinary person to know what is going on , when even the scientists can not agree .
6 In the same way that alternative therapies such as acupuncture have become accepted by the medical profession , the day might come when , to treat your flu , your doctor prescribes a piece of topaz instead of tablets .
7 EVEN in these less affluent times , there are those who are happy to buy expensive , muddy carrots instead of bright orange ones at half the price , or an expensive piece of beef instead of a cut-price special offer .
8 The name ‘ Institute of Education ’ has been used in African universities to describe institutes which do little except train secondary school teachers , but in the sense of a professional centre concerned with various aspects of quality both of teachers and the curriculum they teach , it was first used in Bakht Er Ruda in the Sudan in the 1930's .
9 When he was directly in front of the car , his father accidentally threw the car into drive instead of reverse .
10 A paper from a member of SCAC with experience both of the Scottish and UK/Ireland work .
11 But lovers of the palaces need not fear that the overriding aim of the new management is to turn the current £5m annual loss into profit regardless of the consequences .
12 Imagine a world in which gold and silver were cheap but iron and aluminium were rare , what advantages would there be making a car from gold instead of iron and saucepans from silver instead of aluminium .
13 The flight from mind in respect either of its intellectual or sensational aspects would be disastrous , but the currently fashionable flight from both leaves us with no world at all .
14 Now if the liberationist can persuade us that this passionate regard for normal young babies is based upon an unjustifiable prejudice in favour merely of our own species , and that apart from this , animals are no different , then consistency should require that both groups ought to be accorded the same treatment .
15 Stock Exchange insider dealing investigators have launched an inquiry into a suspicious surge in activity ahead of the bid on the traded options market : traded options allow dealers to bet on future share prices .
16 The FTSE index of the leading 100 companies opened down a marginal 1.1 at 2704.5 , with interest focused more closely on political uncertainty at home ahead of tonight 's Europe vote .
17 ( a ) he is not guilty of murder by reason only of the fact that a defence provided by s.56 ( diminished responsibility ) , 58 ( provocation ) or 59 ( use of excessive force ) applies ; or
18 ( b ) he is not guilty of murder by reason only of the fact that , because of voluntary intoxication he is not aware that death may be caused or believes that an exemplary circumstance exists ; or
19 Or are we able to exert freedom of choice regardless of what is determined by other factors ?
20 In the latter , pupils succeed or ‘ pass ’ if they reach certain levels of competence : they are expected to give evidence of having reached a particular level of performance regardless of how they stand in relation to their peers .
21 Right , so this is if we incorporate expectations in our model of supply response alright , so instead of saying that the the desired level of supply instead of saying that , we say it 's actually this right , if we actually incorporate expectations specifically alright , then we get a supply response model alright , like this and our hypothesis , y'know cos we do n't know how expectations are formed , right , economics ca n't tell us anything about how expectations are formed are they rational , are they naive , are they adaptive , who knows , nobody knows alright .
22 Oh , yes those horses come in horse boxes them days bit of luck instead of trains .
23 I sometimes like to think it was my eloquence , but the fact of the matter is that if I had got up on my hind legs and suggested a bit of Karaoke instead of the morning service , they would have leaped at it .
24 I wanted it to be over , to return to the innocence and freedom of life before the kidnap , for John to be safe , for us all to know some kind of certainty instead of this constant doubt and anxiety , to be able to think of the future again .
25 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
26 We therefore hypothesized that there would be significant differences between the attitudes towards SSE generally of teachers who had , and who had not , seen the Solihull booklet .
27 Thus , the 700 base pairs of homology downstream of the PstI site ( 23 , 30 ) was sufficient for integration into an intact beta-tubulin gene to occur .
28 The two ideologies are by and large products of the revolution or in the case of liberalism perhaps of the of enlightened attitudes .
29 At last they came to the topmost ridge of the mountain , and there lay a great field of cloud ahead of them .
30 Milan was always jealous of its measure of independence both of emperor and pope ; Milan and St Ambrose was the most active and powerful of all the traditions to rival Rome and St Peter .
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